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Community Rating: 4.054 / 5  (37 votes)
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This is one of the first cards I ever owned, though it was long before I started playing. This is actually one of the cards that made me ever so curious about Magic. Fitting, then, that I began in Scars.

It's been a while since I've seen this card, until now when I random carded my way here. Knowing what I do now about the game, I can finally appreciate how nice a card it is. So many memories of trying to figure out the little bits and pieces of the dozen or so cards I had.. "What's an Island?" and "How do these numbers work?" I would ask myself all the time. Today, I perk up at the word 'Affinity', knowing how insane it once was.

For playability, It gets 4/5
For nostalgia, 9001/5
Posted By: BastianQoU (4/17/2012 5:12:37 PM)


Part of a cycle of golems from Darksteel, each with Affinity:

White Razor Golem (vigilance)
Blue Spire Golem (flying)
Black Dross Golem (fear)
Red Oxidda Golem (haste)
Green Tangle Golem (no ability, just big)

These seem to be the successors of Mirrodin's unremarkable cycle:

White Titanium Golem (first strike)
Blue Cobalt Golem (flying)
Black Pewter Golem (regenerate)
Red Hematite Golem (+2/+0)
Green Malachite Golem (trample)

This card is great. djflo summarized it nicely so I won't drone on about how good it is, but it does everything a mono blue deck needs. I will add that interestingly enough, these creatures also have an interesting interaction with the Dragon enchantments from Scourge, such as Dragon Scales. While they have a higher printed ... (see all)
Posted By: Equinox523 (4/2/2014 7:06:01 AM)


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