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Community Rating: 4.088 / 5  (74 votes)
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Easily my favourite art amongst the dragons.
Posted By: the.tunnel.children (2/19/2010 2:59:46 PM)


It is a shame that such nice spectacular chaotic art with undeath and thunder and lightning are reflected by firebreathing and an echo cost.
Posted By: Sironos (6/19/2010 2:11:51 PM)


Meme density rating of previous comment: Poser out of ten.
Posted By: Motorival (2/9/2010 2:16:46 PM)


As the very first card to get Foil treatment in the game, as a Dragon, and as a 4 converted mana costing card, one has to at least CONSIDER this for a Kaalia of the Vast EDH deck The historical blinginess might qualify it all on it's own for some but let's look at it's playability:

First of all, it is *almost* strictly better than Dragon Whelp, which comes in Kaalia's deck, so a simple substitution is a perfectly fine way to mildly upgrade your deck. But what if you want to take apart and rebuild the deck from the ground up? Does Lightning Dragon still make it?

Well, leomistico calls our attention to Dragonspeaker Shaman, which should probably be featured in any Kaalia deck that uses Dragons just because Dragons cost a lot of mana and you are probably using your Kaalia activation on a Demon or Angel, since those have fewer ways to reduce their mana cost. I think Bladewing the Risen and Malfegor are good enough reasons to already be playing both them and Dragonspeaker in Kaalia, so D... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (8/1/2012 12:45:23 PM)


The art makes him look like he has no skin.
4/5 Stars
Posted By: Hunter06 (2/9/2013 11:17:13 AM)


I knew I recognized this dragon from somewhere...
Posted By: storied_hero (7/2/2013 3:46:00 PM)


The art on this dragon is amazing.
Posted By: OlvynChuru (4/20/2014 7:31:07 AM)


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