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I use him in my white healing deck as a means of defense...him + pariahs shield = no damage to you (within reason of course)

I'd much rather use Pariah instead of the shield but since I sadly dont have that card at my disposal, I can at least say the shield works pretty well =)
Posted By: Synnestro (6/24/2009 7:59:02 PM)


Twelve comments, and no one thought to mention what an awesome (and really annoying) EDH General he makes? Sure he's a one trick pony, but it's a heckuva trick!

Plus, you have an indestructible general that you actually want in combat.
Posted By: niceguygreensboro (11/24/2010 2:28:47 AM)


Strong guy, Indestructible, and Vigilant. Basically, only enchantments stop him.
Posted By: AXER (12/2/2009 7:19:23 PM)


Ironically dies to Final Judgment.
Posted By: Reishyn (3/2/2014 10:02:39 PM)


This guy and Worldslayer
if he gets through you win
Posted By: Demon218 (11/12/2009 11:03:14 AM)


He's the star of my white and green deck. Get a Takeno, Samurai General or two out (with Mirror Gallery), add on O-Naginata and No-Dachi and he's an absolute monster.
Posted By: RedHawk32 (7/24/2009 12:12:30 AM)


the only trouble i have with him is finding the mana to put him into play... looks like i'm gonna start running him in my green deck with rancor and lure...

throw in a little oath of druids, yavimaya elder, and sakura-tribe elder.
Posted By: raptorman333 (12/13/2011 11:13:14 AM)


This would be much more impressive if I hadn't read the novels, and concluded that his name should be 'Konda, Lord of Dumbasses'. See Final Judgement. And That Which Was Taken. That Which Was Taken is the beloved, adorable, precious infant son of that horrible awful giant THING in Final Judgement. The one that can eat Progenitus. And Emrakul, the Aeons Torn. And Storm Crow.

Konda probably has the lowest IQ of anybody in fantasy, including Anakin Skywalker.
Posted By: DarthParallax (8/11/2011 2:34:48 PM)



You do realize you actually can't block Stormtide Leviathan unless you control 0 lands, right?

Also, you can't attack with him unless you give him flying or islandwalk, upon which Stormtide Leviathan wouldn't be able to block either.
Posted By: AColonyOfAnts (9/26/2011 10:37:30 PM)


This card is borderline. it is only useful if you want to use lure with it to stop damage.
Posted By: ls612 (1/21/2009 10:31:09 AM)


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