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Best EDH general to make friends with. Bushido is better than +1/+1 counters in this case, because if you decide to put a few counters on someone else's creatures it's not as bad if they decide to attack you because they won't deal any extra damage to you, only to your creatures if you decide to block.

And, everyone loves having their creatures become Samurai.

With plenty of slow early turns in EDH, you can pop him out, and either start making allies or start pumping himself up until he's got bushido 20. Sure, you won't likely be able to ever kill someone with General Damage, but it's pretty awesome for a creature to be a mild-mannered 2/1 that suddenly explodes into a 22/21 whenever he gets into a battle.
Posted By: Asmodi0000 (5/3/2011 3:07:33 PM)


Combos with Doubling Season!

Posted By: syrazemyla (7/9/2011 7:07:34 PM)


He can stack bushido?

Posted By: Tjokkie (7/14/2011 7:27:07 AM)


Put a training counter on Chub Toad.
Posted By: RJDroid (10/4/2011 8:10:50 PM)



From my understanding, all the counter does is effectively remind players that the creature is a Samurai and has Bushido X (technically X instances of Bushido 1 if I'm reading the rules right, but whatever). If you gave the training counters to something else without using the Sensei's ability, it wouldn't be a Samurai, nor would it have Bushido X. Which means if you put a training counter on Skullbriar, the Walking Grave, even though it would keep the counter, it wouldn't do anything if it ever left the field.
Posted By: Zielheim (12/2/2011 3:23:35 AM)


Wait, this works on opposing creatures...

Peer Pressure!
Posted By: LordRandomness (12/19/2011 11:45:51 PM)


Man, if that thing is supposed to be some sort of master samurai no wonder everyone in kamigawa was getting their @ss kicked by a bunch of floating inanimate objects. I mean, what if phyrexia had decided to show up here instead of mirrodin. Those babies running around with dresses and silly toy swords would last approximately 10 seconds.
Posted By: allmighty_abacus (10/1/2010 1:23:24 PM)


Cool concept, should be 3/1 or 3/2. A SENSEI ONLY HAS BUSHIDO 1 ??!! LAME SHOULD BE 2 OR 3
Posted By: GrimGorgonBC (7/3/2009 9:14:26 PM)


Training other cards to be as bad as itself
Posted By: ttian (3/21/2009 7:47:28 PM)


Combine this with Power Conduit to further boost your cards. As a bonus, you can easily cheat by fudging how many of those counters on your creature are training counters and how many are +1/+1 counters (and how many instances of Bushido 1 the creature has.)
Posted By: Saikuba (8/4/2011 9:29:54 PM)


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