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Community Rating: 2.962 / 5  (53 votes)
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Are you using Tunnel Vision to mill your opponent, or on yourself to set up specific draws? In the first case, your opponent may have another copy of the card closer to the top of his library. In the second case, you have to get the cards into your graveyard first (which I suppose shouldn't be too hard to do), but what exactly are you topdecking?

Edit: Use Jester's Cap to remove the extra copies.
Posted By: achilleselbow (7/31/2010 10:31:22 PM)


For some fun flavor, run this with Cellar Door .

One man's junk is another man's zombie army.
Posted By: Tybaltic (1/18/2013 10:17:48 AM)


Trololololol all over those reanimator decks
Posted By: Averyck (3/2/2013 9:17:40 PM)


Needs to be a Troll Golem :(
Posted By: Earthdawn (6/11/2013 8:50:02 AM)


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