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Community Rating: 3.770 / 5  (50 votes)
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EDIT: While I still like this card; I've attempted to build a few of the decks that I thought it would be bomb in, but alas pure black works dredge more the way I like it. It's nice that you can safe yourself from wrath effects and similar, but this is a meta-dependent card.

3.5/5 for instant speed control with a twist.

Works awesome with:
-dredge decks *******************
-permanents that have "into graveyard" effects
-cards that when put into the graveyard are put back into play or your hand
-cards that will sacrifice themselves anyway (like several red elementals)
-cards that will destroy all creatures, remove all creatures, put creatures from graveyard into play
-cards that utilize exiling graveyard mechanics
-excess lands, redundant enchantments, temporarily controlled opponent permanents
-many many more...

Also noteworthy, it:
-is instant speed card filtering
-creates card advantage vs. Wrath effects
-denies steals if need be, among other things.

4.5/5 IMO. Very very good... (see all)
Posted By: blurrymadness (4/27/2012 10:09:20 AM)


I always thought this card was pretty bad, but reading the comments here has changed my mind.
Posted By: Lord_Ascapelion (6/1/2012 10:41:29 AM)


I hate it when a wizard makes you wait through a 12 minute rune solo.
Posted By: idrinkyourmilkshake (3/10/2013 6:21:58 PM)


Absolutely ridiculous in token spawning decks. Even at its worse it's a one cost instant "draw a card/discard a card" which isn't that terrible.

A wonderfully powerful card in EDH or any format where Boardwipes are common. As it only requires one mana open to activate, it can give you so much card advantage, so quickly...
Posted By: Hashbeth (4/11/2013 10:23:11 AM)


Great in the right deck works awesome with psychatog! 3.5/5
Posted By: Combofriend (7/2/2013 3:28:46 PM)


Very interesting card.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (7/10/2013 8:06:12 AM)


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