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He wins games singlehandedly if you cast him from a position of control (and really, in BlueBlackRed, are you ever not in a position of control?). I've seen so many games go
T7: Opponent casts fattie. I let it resolve and opponent is all like "0_0"
T8: I cast Bolas, steal fattie to use as a blocker.
T9 and on: Put the hurt on with Land D, artifact/enchantment removal, and a devastating ultimate that he can pull off in just a few turns.

Amazing card; my favorite Planeswalker.
Posted By: gman92 (8/25/2012 10:46:06 PM)


Nicol Bolas is the perfect planeswalker card, big mana cost, ends games, and big and flashy abilities without being overpowered.
Posted By: Rikiaz (9/12/2012 8:08:11 PM)


I have this card in my Nicol Bolas Commander deck. Nothing like playing one and then the other. ^.^
Posted By: wholelottalove (10/1/2012 6:42:17 AM)


He is the king! my favorite plane walker of all time. If you guys haven't already, you should look up his back story, its pretty cool....but anyways, I have a deck using this guy and let me tell you, when hes out, your opponent poops in their pants. Even if they have removal, they still poop, that is how badas$ he is!
Posted By: BowbeforeZod (11/14/2012 6:36:16 AM)


@Goatllama: Made my day. Thank you.
Posted By: The_Murderauder (7/22/2013 11:58:32 AM)


I kinda want to make a deck that pretends to be Storm but then just uses this guy.
2x Lion's Eye Diamond + Dark Ritual gets him Turn 1

Also, mono-black enchantment/artifact destruction with Morgue Toad ;)
Posted By: blurrymadness (10/29/2013 2:25:56 PM)


Oh god, the -7 is like Annihilator on steroids. In that case, why didn't Nicol Bolas attack the Eldrazi head on? He would surely win against Ulamog and Kozilek. And team up with Sorin Markov just to beat Emrakul...
Posted By: Yodha (11/22/2013 1:31:51 AM)


can you have the planes walker and the creature on the field? if so OH GOD!!!!
Posted By: Bluecraney (12/4/2013 7:43:32 AM)


He's not the best planeswalker. In fact, when you're talking about pure efficiency, he's the worst in the game.

Keep in mind that only Lilliana 2.0 and Jace the Game Breaker even come CLOSE to the raw power that this card gives you. Jace and Lilliana mess with your opponent and manipulate them over the course of the game. Bolas just douses your opponent with hot sauce and eats him.
Posted By: MizziumSculptor444 (12/16/2013 5:18:30 PM)


This guy is so scary that i rarely win due to the actual effect of his abilities, but rather because of my opponents gives up instead.

I might get off the ultimate only in 10% of the games, but I win regardless. He is just that strong!
Posted By: Juven (1/15/2014 6:40:18 PM)


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