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Slap this guy on a Soul Foundry. Suddenly his four colour mana cost becomes 4 colourless. And having multiple on the field would double, triple, etc. the amount of tokens you get, which is always nice.
I play him in my monoblack Chittering Rats /Soul foundry deck, and it's always a laugh when he hits the field.
Posted By: Foundry (12/7/2010 9:16:23 PM)


Shield of the Oversoul, then Blessing of the Nephilim. Cast Might of the Nephilim if you've got the mana, then charge.
Posted By: NARFNra (12/11/2010 11:20:47 PM)


Interesting, costs four different colours of mana to get in, yet he produces colourless tokens.....
Posted By: divine_exodus (12/13/2010 2:56:50 PM)


I know that before wizards put tokens in booster packs they had them for magic online. What was this one's like?
Posted By: JFM2796 (9/25/2011 6:21:05 PM)


Anyone else call him Tommy Oliver?
Posted By: ax_morph (2/7/2012 1:55:46 PM)


There are no four colored commanders. Maybe we should point this out to Wizards?
Posted By: wholelottalove (10/29/2012 10:54:25 AM)


Make sure that you always attack with your Sand tokens, just so that when they fall in combat, you can say that they will be back, and in greater numbers.
Posted By: philsrobeighn (11/29/2012 9:12:16 PM)


Well I have to agree with the card designers that this card is not blue in flavor or function.
It's a lot of things, but not blue.

Personally, it mostly looks like red/black to me, perhaps with a tad of green.
Not seeing the white.

@Boneclub: thanks for that. I was speaking from a purely flavor standpoint, I do see where it gets the colors from a mechanics standpoint.
Posted By: NoobOfLore (11/30/2012 6:50:40 AM)


Hazezon!? What happened to you, man?

I told you not to fool around with that Black mana.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (4/8/2013 6:18:10 PM)


Part 1/5

The Nephilim are Crazy. Personally, I think that we need someone willing to be a Rebel and a Revolutionary in R&D, or the Rules Team, or the DCI, or the Commander Council (whatever they call themselves officially, they should start calling themselves the Commander Council). Who determines and writes the Errata? we need them too.

The Nephilim should be reprinted, given Errata, and become LEGENDARY, and they ALSO deserve to get subtypes--- they are way beyond being "Warriors" or "Wizards" though--- something more like "Beast" or "Nightmare" or "Giant" or "Spirit" or "Titan"-- something that will let them have a little bit more cohesiveness to their identity, something to pull them closer to the rest of the Creatures of the Game, while retaining their Uniqueness and Specialness as much as possible. The Eldrazi are an excellent Tribe to compare them to, because we likely won't see any more Eldrazi, but IF we did, and if R&D chose to let some of them have Subtypes, we know what ... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (11/18/2013 11:22:46 PM)


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