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In some decks, this is a huge win-condition, especially with cards like Phyrexian Crusader and other infect baddies.

When you have enough creatures and you're certain your opponent cannot react (tapped out, no fliers, protection works, etc.) drop this down pre-combat and sac 3-4 creatures to make that Crusader drop 10+ counters in one hit.

Even without the nastiness of a crusader, this will really be a stab your opponent won't forget.
Passive evasion + active sac + heft power boosting, this lands on the curve just in such a way that it will usually be that edge you need to win.

It's beautifully flavored, and it reacts to everything short of countering and exiling. You can even sac its user and replay it as soon as it hits your hand.

Sure it's a bit pricey for passive flying (since splashing blue gives you 1-drops that hit that criteria), but dark ritual also exists. The extra 2 mana really justify its replayability and its flexibility.

You could probably build a powerful modern de... (see all)
Posted By: Krysto (4/29/2013 4:59:21 PM)


Note: They got Anson Maddocks to do this card, just like he drew Angel!
Posted By: StyrofoamKing (5/28/2013 3:31:18 PM)


Good with Sengir Autocrat on any other creature. Eat his tokens then him and reanimate, or simply flicker him after eating the tokens. T2 some creature. T3 this. T4 autocrat and swing for ~10 in the air. If he's alone, reenchant him and have him eat his followers. Then himself and reanimate again! Fun stuff.
Posted By: blurrymadness (6/5/2013 1:44:50 PM)


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