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Community Rating: 4.440 / 5  (91 votes)
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So, I just went infinite with this guy and Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger on the board. Windfall and Memory Jar in hand I burned through a good portion of my deck to grab another infinite engine involving Geth, Lord of the Vault and proceeded in milling everyone to death. :3

Or I could've continued to filter through my deck and dropped a super powerful The Mimeoplasm eating a Hydra Omnivore in the process with an equipped Lightning Greaves and swung at an open opponent to kill them all with a 80+ attack to everyone..

Yeah, I pretty much love this guy, although they pretty much ordered me to drop him from my deck when playing them. XD
Posted By: Kitty_the_Kat (8/6/2011 1:02:03 AM)


WotC designers and developers has said several times that they have nothing against three card infinite comboes.

This is only one of those cards that can enable three card infinite combo.

P.S. High Tide + this is only two card infinite mana combo, but you still need the third card to make the kill.
Posted By: tavaritz (8/29/2011 9:01:12 AM)


Combos with punching yourself in the crotch.
Posted By: Anathame (9/18/2011 4:51:35 PM)


I have no idea what was up with Urza's Legacy and cards that don't cost anything.
Posted By: NoobOfLore (11/6/2011 7:14:10 PM)


Stupidly easy to combo with. This plus anything that does something mean when a creature enters the battlefield = infinite silliness. This plus any Manaflare effect = infinite mana... and so on. A stupid card that I've only seen played by tools as part of infinite combos in Commander. 4/5 for power, 1/5 for total lack of playtesting.

Posted By: Radagast (12/18/2012 2:34:48 PM)


Hands down fun. 8 islands and hightide generates all the free blue mana you could need at a rate of 3 mana per cycle. So many ways to go with that, the sky's the limit. One of my favorites was with menmarch. Stealing everyone else's permanents, land and all, is so immensely satisfying, especially in a mass multiplayer.
Posted By: cyris_snow (1/18/2013 11:40:27 PM)


Something to ponder: if you cheat it into play, like with Elvish Piper, you still untap the seven lands.
Posted By: Arachnos (1/23/2013 7:55:55 PM)


Soul of the Harvest

ya...i love it
Posted By: LowKey49 (2/14/2013 7:00:50 PM)


I think the key to balancing this thing would have been to add a tapping cost to it's bounce ability, shutting down the same-turn infinite recursion tricks. Of course, back in Urza's block they couldn't have predicted a format like EDH would make 7 mana less of a drawback and more of a midrange drop.
Posted By: Avorna (3/16/2013 12:23:57 AM)


Great Whale is better. Sure, it might not have flying. Sure, it might not be able to bounce itself. Sure, it might only have 1 more power. But it's a WHALE.
Posted By: MicrosizeMe (5/21/2013 3:48:12 PM)


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