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Community Rating: 4.165 / 5  (94 votes)
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I'm pretty sure I designed this card minus the Treefolk letting it be untapped. Glad it was a good enough design for them to think of it as well. :D
Posted By: dark_hero (1/9/2011 10:17:59 AM)


*** I want this card
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (9/4/2011 6:58:59 PM)


One of my all time favorite lands!!!

WOTC please make more of these in the up coming commander and planechase precon's. wedge commander decks need love to.
Posted By: ChainedNBeaten (3/5/2012 9:50:07 AM)


It's got the same versatility as most of those uncommon allied-colour lands from Shards, except this CAN come into play untapped. The 1 life per tap from B/W is just in case you need that mana for who-knows-what.

It is the perfect non-basic land for the Counterpunch EDH pre-built (Ghave, Karador, Teneb, etc.), and an even better addition to a deck commanded by Doran (no need for links).
Posted By: Ferlord (3/27/2012 5:51:44 PM)


I'm commin' for ya Doran!
Posted By: DemonicRitual (5/31/2012 8:56:26 AM)


Sweet land that isn't just for Treefolk. Granted the coverage this thing provides in that deck is amazing, but I run these in my BGW Modern EldraziTron with no Treefolk whatsoever. It's really no different than the shard lands like Crumbling Necropolis and the lot. You'll never take more than 1-2 damage per game from this card unless they start clumping together.
Posted By: WarioMan (6/14/2012 11:02:30 PM)


GreenWhiteBlack is my all time favorite color combo. You have Maelstrom Pulse, Vindicate, Tidehollow Sculler/Castigate, Swords to Plowshares, and all sorts of other control options. Plus it's original, as you don't see it a lot. Glad to see a land that provides all 3 of those colors.
Posted By: BongRipper420 (8/20/2012 11:26:23 AM)


Or maybe he's talking about the background where the name and types are...but that would make too much sense.
Posted By: CogMonocle (8/25/2013 4:49:52 PM)


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