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This card is awesome!! And it's even an equipment!!! Nice!!!
Posted By: Shiduba (10/9/2009 9:54:00 AM)


Have to look at the good and bad aspects of this card together, not just the omg its awesome posts. For one thing, it defintley makes one of your creatures big and brawny in a hurry, but it does cost 6 mana or 3 per two turns, either way thats slightly less cost effective especially if its stopping you from playing something from your hand that would have used the mana spent on it. For example divinity of pride itself only costs 5, and at the full 6 mana you could be playing a flameblast dragon. The added 2 toughness on this card vs. the loxodon warhammer is a major bonus though, with the new lightning helix and lightning bolt coming back, you need extra toughness on your creatures if you don't want them to die really easily. The lifelink is also amazing, your doing a lot of damage and getting life back. The downside is two fold, the first is that with all that mana cost, if the creature you attach it too is removed, the constant moving it to a new creature (if it isn't destroyed... (see all)
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (11/2/2009 10:55:25 PM)


Literally might be the best card in Shards limited. I mean, BBE is great, but still, have you seen this thing in limited? A solid 4/5. Worse than loxy tho
Posted By: channelblaze (11/25/2010 12:51:34 PM)


Oh, and at uncommon too. Wow.
Posted By: asmallcat (6/18/2009 10:18:49 AM)


Cannot completely replace Armadillo Cloak since the cloak can be used to stop an opponents creature
Posted By: Davidius89 (7/1/2010 11:46:33 AM)


look...this thing is just upsurd...no joke...
i mean come on...a equip it with a knotvine...then next turn i play conquirors pledge and bash you for 10/10...perfect!...
once again just a great piece of equipment...though it is a bit expensive for mana cost
Posted By: avais (11/22/2009 7:30:43 AM)


If only there were a White and Red equip card I could use...
Dx then it be awesome to run my red/white/green mirrodin pure deck
still wishing Phrexian didn't have the advantage
but I will never say Phrexia had won... there will always be fighters who fight against them D:
just can't wait until Wizards decides to put that back out there and continue it though....

also contemplating if it's even worth following wizards any more after that little "Phexian won, Mirrodin is dead" shit they did...
Posted By: TrueBloodWolf (7/7/2011 10:37:26 AM)


Loxodon Warhammer just got reprinted, folks.
Posted By: Th3_Dark_On3 (5/1/2009 4:06:09 PM)


Just try and lose a limited tournament after drafting this card, I dare you!
Posted By: silentbobus (7/6/2009 6:28:28 PM)


this is when i say 4 sleges 4 warhammers and davinity of pride for the win lol lifelink times 9 XD
Posted By: elflover2500 (5/19/2009 8:41:58 PM)


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