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Community Rating: 4.081 / 5  (93 votes)
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Bleh. Just to stop people from crushing Eldrazi? There are better options. Oh, wait, I just read the othercomments. I love death's shadow. I'm running 4.
Posted By: land_comment (3/4/2011 5:32:53 PM)


Could be really good in current constructed format, kills Inkmoth Nexus and many other manlands without asking questions.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (3/26/2011 1:50:52 PM)


Terror was out of print for a long time, while Dark Banishing with its 3 cmc is overcosted. So this card was somewhat usable, especially against greenish, 1 cmc creatures.
Posted By: danegator (8/1/2011 5:16:09 AM)


I am fond of this card in EDH. A format where you start with 40 and usually stand to gain life will gobble cheap removal like this.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (5/21/2012 2:13:40 PM)


Devour in Shadow hits more and eliminates regeneration, but this costs one less, which can mean everything in the world at certain times. Personally, I'd run both if I ran suicide black. Because Death's Shadow says life loss is a good thing.
Posted By: BongRipper420 (9/4/2012 1:31:57 PM)


The closest comparisons are Dark Banishing and Slaughter, since the card buries the creature it targets. This card fills a different niche though, for early removal while leaving mana to play cards or for breaking early combos.

If we're going with 1 mana comparisons, I'd mostly rather have paralyze, which is not an instant, but serves the same purpose early and lets you take a few more hits.

If you're already running death watch in your deck, this card becomes much stronger, as you're more likely to have life to spare.
Posted By: ThatStunna (1/30/2013 7:38:31 PM)


Contains strictly less murder of Nicolas Cage lookalikes than the Masques version.
Posted By: BigBer (3/22/2013 2:46:07 PM)


This card is terribly underrated. Is it rated this low due to haterate? How could 1 CMC regeneration-preventing removal be rated so low? Losing the life is no big deal in 90% of cases. It's a great card.
Posted By: DeaTh-ShiNoBi (7/11/2013 4:31:26 PM)


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