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run with primeval titan

drop titan then drop this, then attack, you still have 5 mana and you killed all chump blockers, and even if you didn't the titan becomes a ball lightning.
Posted By: Gezus82 (7/21/2010 5:26:40 PM)



Also, this link gives early insight to the card.


I think it's a good upgrade to wildfire. While it costs 1 more mana, dealing 5 damage deals with many threats that wildfire would otherwise miss, such as baneslayer, avenger of zendikar, any blue creature... While it can't deal with any of the titans, you can play them yourselves, which is cool because not only do they curve into wildfiver, but they can just survive it. Primeval titan almost guarantees that you'll recover from the wildfiver faster than your opponent, though any titan will do a good job (the white one can recycle fetchlands or anything, the blue one can tap down their lands they drop, etc), so pick the one your budget can handle.
Knight of the reliquary also looks good; you can fetch your sejiri when you wildfiver to survive, then it'll become huge with all the lands in your graveyard. However, it's going to cycle out in a few months, so keep that in mind.
Pl... (see all)
Posted By: mdakw576 (7/24/2010 5:02:48 AM)


It's a bad version of Devastation
Posted By: OpenSeasonNoobs (7/25/2010 4:04:43 AM)


Pick off lands early with Demolish till you can drop this with a few left, switch to Roiling Terrains?
Posted By: n00bmag1 (7/26/2010 7:05:07 AM)


Crucible of Worlds.
Posted By: divine_exodus (11/15/2010 2:44:38 PM)


Made for Titan Vak ramp decks.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (1/2/2011 2:06:40 AM)


Maybe with Roiling Terrain, but you are a little short on the mana after this... My friend Tom will like this.

Combos VERY nicely with Deus of Calamity.
Posted By: A0602 (2/13/2011 3:29:23 PM)


I really want to make a Standard deck culminating in this without having to use the budget-breaking power of Primeval Titan.
Posted By: Polychromatic (2/23/2011 2:06:11 PM)


pulled this awhile back and now its a staple in my favorite deck. it works well with a mythic i pulled from besieged called praetors counsel. so its red and green ramp with a prime and two inferno titans. *** everything up then bring everything back to ur hand. it destroys all my opponents lands almost everytime i play this. and most of the creatures on the board.
Posted By: krauser-gogetthegirl (4/26/2011 12:35:24 AM)


In retrospect, it looks like this card was a little over-hyped upon its release. That being said, however, if your deck is designed around it and you manage to resolve it, you're probably going to win the game.
Posted By: The_Trendkill (6/20/2011 7:32:11 AM)


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