Consider this red's Invisible Stalker for the set. It just can't be pumped up. I built a blue-red permission burn deck with this as the win condition. Totally unfun.
Posted By:
(11/1/2011 8:33:07 PM)
this seems great, I mean think about it, red runs outa ammo alot doesnt it? with this on the field, no matter WHAT you're doing, you're getting closer and closer to your goal, at the ABSOLUTE worst, they're on a twenty turn clock. (and Im sorry, but if THAT is the case, what were you THINKING running red?!)
as long as they arent doing something life gain, this essentially spells doom if they dont work faster than you do. red is THE fastest if Im not mistaken, this should absolutely seal your opponent's fate, or make them waste a card to get rid of it.
still... wish it were your own upkeep... bloodthirst would have been nice... ah well.
Posted By:
(11/11/2011 12:08:41 PM)
Good if you're not playing aggressively. If you manage to cast this early, it's really going to be worth the investment later. Aggro decks tend to have better choices though, and this is simply just too slow for a good burn deck.
Posted By:
(12/12/2011 7:41:51 PM)
It's a turn two burn that pays for itself after resolving twice which shuts down early life gain and gives your opponent something else to worry about.
Posted By:
(1/28/2012 3:28:20 AM)
Very nifty tool in red decks thinking about the long game. Annoying for Liliana of the Veil and other smal planeswalkers. But it's no Shrine of Burning Rage.
Posted By:
(4/6/2012 10:33:33 AM)
An interesting variation on the typical Red burn spell — an inexpensive {1}{R} enchantment that burns your opponent for 1 damage each turn. The cheap price and persistant effect makes it tempting to put into a Red burn deck, but it still seems just a little too slow and clunky for my taste. Definitely worth consideration, though.
Posted By:
(6/18/2012 1:14:53 AM)
Just think. After 5 turns its dealt a lava axe worth of damage for 
. Hardy little investment, multiples are not redundant. Only "downside" is pulling it later on when you need a direct target nuke.
Posted By:
(3/16/2013 3:52:57 PM)
Why not play it with a life gain or control deck as your win condition? I don't feel like aggro decks synergize as well with this as everyone is saying. It's almost as inevitable a win as Jin-Gitaxias, and much cheaper.
Posted By:
(3/21/2013 6:56:44 PM)
I love cards like this. In a mono-red deck the big decisions are always between burning off the more dangerous creatures or taking chunks out of your opponent's life, a card like this allows a mono-red player to be more defensive than most people are used to and save some spells for a big finish.
Posted By:
(4/18/2013 5:14:57 PM)
This card is awesome. Not powerful enough for rare, but it's unique enough and flavorful enough to be a rare, I think. It's very...iconic, I guess. Add a damage for each past one.
1: One damage
2: Two normal, additional one.
3: Three normal, additional two.
4: Four normal, additional three.
I run a Tibalt deck with four copies of this. The deck is basically all the choice spells Browbeat, Blazing Salvo. This keeps the pressure on. Keeps the game on a clock.
Also, it can target Planeswalkers! Beautifully elegant.
Edit: Mostly just clarity. Also, what it needed to be a rare.
Posted By:
(6/14/2013 9:40:06 PM)