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Community Rating: 4.137 / 5  (51 votes)
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Nacatl War-Pride!
Posted By: Kryptnyt (2/22/2012 6:20:31 PM)


This defines "all in". Which, interestingly also defines red as a whole!
Posted By: Totema (4/11/2012 2:30:42 AM)


I'd love to see this reprinted in the next core set.
Posted By: Fearsomecritter (5/25/2012 9:16:16 AM)


I love this card. Yes, it takes some of the thinking out of combat, but that's what it's supposed to do. Most of your creatures (in red/x or monored aggro) don't want to block. It's called the 'redzone' for a reason. It provides you with fantastic reach once the control deck has gotten out its wincon, or other decks have creatures out and believe themselves to have stabilized. I love it because your opponent's board presence no longer matters, what matters is who has the faster clock (hint: it's red). Furthermore it's such an unexpected effect that it often just comes out of left field so to speak.

Your opponent feels safe and ready to move into a midgame where their bigger creatures and better value cards will get the game for them after your initial onslaught. Bedlam is 'welcome to the world of turning things sideways' It provides the reach that the low-curve red deck is looking for in order to overcome a stabilized opponent.
Posted By: Aremath (3/21/2014 11:46:59 PM)


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