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Community Rating: 2.123 / 5  (73 votes)
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Unfortunately, it's useless in EDH, since you're going to pull up 5 cards that, Surprise!, you're not going to have (unless you somehow pull up 5 basic lands...)

Unfortunately, it's not useful enough in Standard, since, unlike a card like Time Warp, it takes a decent amount of upkeep to get that extra turn. Even casting Temporal Mastery for 7 would be less bothersome than this.

Unfortunately, it's not playable in Modern, since Time Warp exists and isn't banned (though, no one really plays Time Warp).

Unfortunately, playing it in Limited is as fruitless as playing it in EDH: Although you CAN get 2+ copies of certain cards, you can't count on that. Also, the chances that you're going to pull up that rare/mythic that'll win you the game that you have 1 of is going to happen too often.

It's perhaps the most playable in Legacy, since you can play cards like Preordain and P... (see all)
Posted By: Ferlord (10/7/2012 8:48:47 PM)


For all the hoops it makes you jump through, it might as well have cost 1Blue.
Posted By: Trygon_Predator (9/26/2012 2:05:55 PM)


@LotsofPoopy Shut up already
Posted By: Blargenspargle (10/3/2012 12:15:24 PM)


The thing I hate most about Wizards is them printing rares like this in every set. Not every rare is going to be a winner but at least stop printing ones that are so bad and make no sense.

Unplayable in every single format including limited and EDH, and the vast majority of casuals are not going to care for it.

Posted By: busdude (1/7/2013 9:43:12 PM)


Am I the only one who noticed Ral Zarek?
Posted By: Yusuke23 (11/19/2012 9:17:26 AM)


Who is waiting 5 turns after cast for this in any format? It is for a mono red burn deck wear all but 6 cards cost 1 red mana. thx 4 guild gates and 14 Mountains the 2 of these is beautiful thx alot for faithless looting WOTC and yes thats what FNM is about a off the wall deck that should cause so much pain.
Posted By: yuyu63 (10/24/2012 12:53:54 PM)


This can be abused in the hands of a pro like me since you can use lands as well.
Posted By: Lotsofpoopy (9/27/2012 7:24:32 PM)


In a deck with Seek the Horizon, Explore and Search for Tomorrow we can be like Xavier Renegade Angel and just keep going on our spirit journey of self discovery... and lose :P
Posted By: lorendorky (9/25/2012 10:44:40 PM)


I dunno, Relentless Rats maybe? I mean draw five rats seems pretty good, but not really. This card is just bad.
Posted By: Kurraga (10/28/2012 12:14:18 PM)


You get an extra turn for taking care of the bounties.
Posted By: Goatllama (9/26/2012 10:26:09 AM)


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