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Community Rating: 3.296 / 5  (49 votes)
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A really fun card to play around with. Requires to much set-up or is too random to see use in high level play, but the cost is right for casual play. I want to make a Blue/Black deck filled with mind control, reanimation and effects like this. With some cheap defensive creatures to help you survive I think it could be viable to use your opponent's deck against them.
Posted By: Enelysios (9/11/2013 11:54:38 AM)


This will go just nicely with Lantern of Insight.

In that regard, it's a bit of a bummer that this isn't an instant spell, since this would have made it more useful against control decks.

As said before, it also works nicely with bounce effects that send stuff on top of the library (e.g. Temporal Spring, Time Ebb or Unexpectedly Absent).
Posted By: Mode (11/17/2013 2:14:13 AM)


Nivmagus Elemental. Bam.
Blistercoil Weird. Bam.
Djinn Illuminatus, Angelic Chorus, any Evolve card, any Izzet deck...the versatility of this thing goes on and on. White/blue/green covers you for pretty much everything this card can do for you, even if the opponent's card isn't that good, but basically anyone with blue and a handful of "enter the battlefield" abilities can really make good use of this card.
Posted By: Casimir_the_Great (12/26/2013 9:16:55 PM)


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