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She throws strange parties -- everyone wears a spiderwig.
Posted By: HuntingDrake (5/21/2013 11:50:30 PM)


Underestimated one drop. I run her in my Rakdos deck and her intimidate trigger can be naughty fun when mixed with haste.

Ideally I look for
Turn 1: Shadow Alley Denizen
Turn 2: Spike Jester or Rakdos Shred-Freak

But she can also be really useful later in the game if used with cards like Shimian Specter or Master of Cruelties.
Posted By: RamenAwesome (7/21/2013 2:29:26 PM)


What's that? You're also a rogue, you say? Why hello, Oona's Blackguard...
Posted By: Emcee117 (2/19/2014 10:53:20 AM)


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