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I remember drawing this card from a random boosterpack.

You can NOT imagine the thrill that went through my body, when I immediatly thought of comboing it with the ever AWESOMENESS that is Chimney Imp !

For the mere cost of 5BB, you can have a FLYING... Freaking FLYING... 1/2 creaturetype IMP ( Notice that MANY of the most awesome changeling cards are of the type IMP... See, combos are just lining up. ).

And when it dies... which is hard to imagine, being that it is NIGH unkillable from even the toughest killspells. Deathmark and even Terror etc, it deals a DEVESTATING blow to your opponent. They have to take a card from their hand and placing it at the top of their library, thwarting every evil plan they had in mind...

THEN combined with this SICK Aura Card, you also GAIN 1 life and you can have TARGET opponent lose 1 life!
Bear in mind that it can be ANYONE who can feel the wrath of the combo.
You can get the Imp kill... (see all)
Posted By: BrokenAllies (3/28/2013 7:09:06 AM)


not a good combo, but dropping this on one of your own guys followed by a Disciple of Bolas would be awesome.
Posted By: Ryjhan (1/23/2013 1:36:00 PM)


Yeah, you've got a Go for the Throat? Go ahead, do it.
Posted By: TtothaOtothadoubleD (1/24/2013 10:09:27 PM)


@Mode: Jesus, you just don't want to have to think anymore in Magic, do you?

This thing only needs to be glued onto a late or even mid game fatty and suddenly it's a problem. Also invalidates half of the aura twofer argument, being that you can only stop it by destroying the actual enchantment or destroying the creature before this comes into play.
Posted By: psychichobo (1/29/2013 2:20:27 PM)


Does this stack, would be killer if it did.
Posted By: Lonelyhorse (3/19/2013 9:30:22 PM)


This + Exalted? Yes yes?
Posted By: Squeekems (5/13/2013 8:12:37 PM)


This + Consuming Aberration + Slum Reaper = profit
Posted By: Kyle845 (5/28/2013 5:26:22 PM)


Wall of Blood, folks.
Posted By: GlassJoetheChamp (7/24/2013 2:58:37 AM)


This plus Abrupt decay in standard Golgari counters. Sackville a dreg mangler after any pump spell= devastating. Mid game win most of the time. Only 4 mana. Oh, lifegain too... :)
Posted By: JesterOfMagic (9/8/2013 9:22:41 PM)


@ thrawn1985

Yes you certainly can. In fact I have an enchantment deck built up around that combo, with Hellhole flailer, this, ethereal armor, and dark favor.
Posted By: Shadowcaster3975 (10/4/2013 4:48:19 PM)


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