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Why is it underwhelming with dragonstorm? With just 3 of them, you get 3x3 triggers which each deal 3 damage, and that's 27 damage.

This card is mostly cool because it is like a lord for dragons. I like that they didn't tack on +1/+1 (to make it a 5/5) just because it's mythic, but they still managed to make it a lower-costed dragon for spikes, timmies, and jonnies.

I realised I am wrong about this with dragonstorm. Storm makes copies of the spell, so it actually resolves 3 separate times. This means that the first dragon will ETB and trigger once, and then the second will come in and do it twice (itself and the first one) and then the third one will hit and do it 3 times. That means you do 1, 4, and then 9 damage which is only 14 :(

So you need 4 storm count to kill with dragonstorm (assuming you can't do 6 damage in another way).
Posted By: SAUS3 (7/19/2013 8:34:54 AM)


Once, in an EDH game, one of my opponents used so many Clone effects on my Utvara Hellkite that he had about ten copies of it. Then I cast Karrthus, stole all his copies, and swung with all eighteen of my dragons (there were ten Utvara Hellkite copies).

I had a Warstorm Surge in play. 180 Hellkite tokens x 6 power each = 1080 damage. Everyone else died.

Now if I had Scourge of Valkas in play, even without the Warstorm Surge, I would get 190 hellkite tokens (plus the 19 dragons I had in play), for a total of 209 dragons...and 190 triggers.

39,710 damage. I have Furnace of Rath and Anthem of Rakdos in the deck, too. Yes, it's overkill, but that's the fun thing about EDH.
Posted By: Okuu-chan (7/20/2013 2:19:14 PM)


kind of disappointing, dragons aren't something you flood the battlefield with in huge numbers, they are majestic solitary finishers, this is a bit weird, but I guess it's okay to experiment... thundermaw laughs at this guy though.
Posted By: Sironos (7/23/2013 5:59:56 AM)


Great in a Dragonstorm deck, and cheap enough that it may come out before the storm. 2RedRedRed is a bargain for a tribal Dragon card like this, and the damage can stack up quickly. Storm out a couple Bogardan Hellkites, and simply finish off the opponent (or possibly even opponents) in one fell swoop.
Posted By: Gandlodder (7/29/2013 10:17:03 AM)


Just put Dragon Egg and Dragon Hatchling in top priority picks (which are decent cards to begin with), and you should do quite well in Limited, IMO.
Posted By: infernox10 (7/31/2013 2:30:24 PM)


A fixed 5-drop dragon and a fixed Baneslayer both in the one set.
Posted By: Beyond.Malachi (8/10/2013 7:08:02 AM)


Goes amazingly with Utvara Hellkite.
Have either on the field (doesn't matter) Drop the other and shoot for 2. For the sake of argument lets say you have Fervor in play and give them haste. Attack with Scourge and Utvara, drop 2 dragons and shoot for 4 twice, total 10 damage in one turn. Next turn, attack with all 4, drop 4 dragons, shoot for 8 four times. Dragonrape.
Posted By: Flyinpenguin117 (8/11/2013 1:44:24 PM)


Your 1-2 extra copies of Bogardan Hellkite in your Dragonstorm deck, for when you draw that Bogardan while pulling the combo off and can't instakill.
Posted By: Mephy. (8/13/2013 7:53:10 PM)


Hm. Dragonstorm, maybe? Might be time to start brewing...
Posted By: SyntheticDreamer (8/18/2013 12:10:39 PM)


This card is so much fun with 'Utrava Hellkite'.
Posted By: AirborneLemming (8/20/2013 8:22:56 AM)


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