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Community Rating: 4.203 / 5  (37 votes)
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Which mask has the coin underneath it? (protip, none of them do. that's how they get your money)
Posted By: Shadowcaster3975 (5/13/2014 3:09:44 PM)


EDH Review:
It is a little hard to believe the idea that you will keep this girl alive for very long when there is a removal spell waiting in the wings, but think about this. It dodges doom blade and terror effects, you can protect it with counterspells, AND it's 2 mana. If they kill it, who cares, you used a card and they used a card and your card probably costed roughly the same or less.

Now if you get her out there early game you're seriously in business. Serra ascendant has shown that threats that are played early do typically stick around for a few turns before they get destroyed. Attack on turn 3, boom turn 4 you get a free tutor, turn 5 you're two tutors to their none and you're in a good position to try to sweep a game from under the rug if your deck is built right.

She does seem like she needs some kind of inspired mechanism to make it work late game though, after all, 1/3s don't tend to... (see all)
Posted By: Ligerman30 (5/20/2014 9:51:21 PM)


It's time for everyone's favorite game find the broken combo with your host Johnny, combo player

Not a bad card if you can find a way to keep untapping it. Pemmin's Aura and Paradise Mantle is the best way. I still think it looks better than it actually is, but it is a build-around card which makes it difficult to rate as of yet.

"Transmute" at instant speed.
Posted By: Drewskithelegend (5/21/2014 11:59:29 AM)


This card can overwhelm your opponent in the right deck. I had it in a b/u constellation 3x Nyx draft deck, it kept slipping through and I was able to transmute for an enchantment many times to keep the constellation train rolling.
Posted By: Gishra (6/1/2014 6:09:53 PM)


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