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Community Rating: 3.628 / 5  (43 votes)
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If you really don't like the idea of using him with moonfolk, just use him with shapeshifters. Maybe run with cards that animate lands.. could be used with Horn of Greed for card draw maybe?
Posted By: tcollins (1/13/2011 2:47:32 PM)


I am sure johnny's have done some crazy things with this. I really am liking this cycle, but this one does not appeal to me as much. 4/5.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (3/4/2013 6:10:07 AM)


This art still weirds me out.
Posted By: Magnor_Criol (8/31/2011 8:36:40 PM)


No. Horn of Greed only triggers on *playing* a land, the land equivalent of casting a card.
Posted By: Ender-A (10/18/2012 8:39:46 PM)


This+Amulet of Vigor+Meloku=infinite 1/1 flying illusion tokens and infinite landfall.
Posted By: EvilDarkVoid (6/10/2013 11:54:21 AM)


Okay! So I thought of an infinite mana any color combo with this card, Oboro Breezecaller, Lotus Vale, and two other lands on the field that don't bounce other land.

Step 1: Tap Lotsu Vale for three {W} {U} {B} {R} {G}.
Step 2: Pay {2} to bounce misc. land with Oboro Breezecaller's ability. Untap Lotus Vale. One floating mana of the color tapped with Lotus Vale.
Step 3: Repeat Step 1 than 2. Two mana floating of any color.
Step 4: Pay {1} to place the two land you bounced into play with Patron of the Moon's ability. One mana of any color you choose left floating.
Step 5: Repeat Steps 1 through 4 for infinite mana of any color combination!

Yay! I think I semi-redeemed Oboro Breezecaller, with it's absolutely GORGEOUS artwork!

Sorry for any formatting issues, and I'm sure someone else has though of this before, but I didn't see it posted up here so... And I know it's fragile, but hey! Who's gonna suspect Oboro Breezecaller as part of an... (see all)
Posted By: Kamishini (7/29/2013 1:45:29 AM)


Palinchron, you're back! ...wait, did you do something different with your hair?
Posted By: endersblade (12/11/2013 10:24:25 AM)


This fella has a very special place in my Meloku the Clouded Mirror EDH deck. Love this guy.
Posted By: N3wtn (4/19/2014 7:59:11 PM)


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