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Community Rating: 4.060 / 5  (83 votes)
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The fact Craterize exist's makes me weep.
Posted By: Thrull_Champion (7/29/2012 1:42:50 PM)


I actually pulled off a standard LD deck, with beast within to replace stone rain.

T1 Birds of Paradise // Arbor Elf // llanowar Elves.
T2 Beast Within
T3 Bramblecrush
T4 Acidic Slime
T5 Primeval Titan

Won some games, and needless to say, wizards didnt see that one coming!
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (10/24/2012 9:17:18 PM)


Land destruction is like counterspelling and discard. Nobody likes it happening to them, but it is healthy for the environment and it makes for innovation, yay! Stone Rain gets a 5/5 from me. I think red is a shallow color, and land destruction would give it depth (@WotC, I know people hate land destruction, but they also hate the things that land destruction can put in check. Players hate on counterspells but you don't get rid of that ).
Posted By: The_Erudite_Idiot (1/19/2013 4:58:02 AM)


I see people trying to compare Land Destruction to counterspells. Let me try and explain the difference.

Land Destruction is extremely hard to come back from if your opponent plays a deck based around it. Getting stuck at turn 1 makes it fairly impossible to win a game.

Counterspells are actually easy to win a game against. Eventually, the user of those spells will run out, and if they spend time countering your small things, you get a Shivan dragon that they have no response to. Of course, counterspells can't exist short of Force of Will without lands.
Posted By: WindMasterArceus (12/17/2013 8:24:12 AM)


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