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It's good for much the same reason manlands are: It's an extra creature that doesn't compete with other spells for space. If you need a land, it's a land. If you need a creature, it's a creature. Not only that, it's a creature that plays well with other morph creatures. Not all decks would want it, but those that do really do. Morph decks would want it to increase the confusion with other morph decks; control might want it as something to apply pressure with without taking up room for a spell; some beatdown decks might want it to reduce the problem of "I need to topdeck something good AND IT'S A LAND GG".
Oh, and it rarely matters, but you could drop this face-down, then unmorph it later to have an extra land. That's not a reason to run it, obviously, but it's possible and arguably a notable fringe case.
Posted By:
(12/15/2013 5:43:07 PM)
@MageofVoid: This is actually my favorite card, so I will take that challenge.There is a lot going on here that's hard to see, Zoetic Caverns isn't Tournament quality, but it is good. A 2/2 for
sucks, a colorless land is pretty bad. The land doesn't enter tapped though, which is a big plus. The combination opens up several possibilities.
1.) Making dual use of land slots is always good. Morph decks can have more morph creatures in their land slots. If you are building around morph, you want some creatures to mask your real threats, and you can use some of those 20 or so slots you are 'wasting' on mana production to fit in some bears. Sometimes a 2/2 is the difference between winning and losing.
2.) Card advantage. Playing this as a creature, if your opponent fires a spell at it you can flip it. Their spell will fizzle. (Unless it can also target a land.) Remember that nothing can be done in response to flipping a morph card. It does not use the stack. Obviously this was better be... (see all)
Posted By:
(4/2/2014 3:06:53 PM)