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I used this on my 10/10 Retaliator Griffin, and then dumped my hand the turn after... Saved my life and won me the game very effective...
Posted By: Mprime818 (6/16/2010 10:55:42 AM)


I can't decide whether this is better or worse than greater good.
Posted By: Gabbalis (6/22/2010 6:20:48 AM)


Play this with Mitotic Slime using Oran-Rief, the Vastwood. This nets you up to 5 cards, 5 life, and two 3/3's which also create tokens when destroyed.
Posted By: BossCrab (7/10/2010 6:22:39 PM)


I love it. I use it in a deck where I take enemy cards with act of treasons, conquering manticores (splinter twinned, of course), and ray of commands, use them, and sac them before they can have them back (devour, this card, keldon necropolis, anything that lets me sac a creature for a mediocre to good ability). Most of the sac abilities in that deck are just ok. This one is actually awesome!
Posted By: Telltalereaper (8/5/2010 2:08:56 AM)


Attack with Timbermaw Larva and beef him up with a Primal Bellow (or two) and cast Momentous Fall on it. Then laugh maniacally =
Posted By: surewhynot (9/25/2010 3:38:11 PM)


protean hulk + momentous fall would be hilarious
Posted By: altf4ninja (9/26/2010 8:10:28 PM)


In a 2HG game, my opponent played a 37/37 Lord of Extinction that could kill us. I cast act of Treason to steal it, in response, he used momentous fall on it, and milled himself to death. :P
Posted By: Doom_Lich (10/5/2010 3:26:53 PM)


I really like sacrificing symbiotic beast with this card- 4draw, 4life, 4 1/1s, its a win/win/not lose. Attack with pretty much everything, your opponent will think you are crazy but will likely attack, which is nice because you will be able to block at least 4 critters and they will be open. Even if they counter, you will get the 4 1/1s, so it isn't a total loss.
Posted By: seath (10/29/2010 2:58:45 PM)


Anything that draws a bunch of cards outside of blue (e.g. Ad Nauseum) is worthy of a look.

Now that its price drops to $1 apiece, I'm grabbing a set.
Posted By: Gabriel422 (12/28/2010 12:29:35 AM)


This with Psychosis Crawler, Pelakka Wurm, and Sanguine Bond for the win!!
Posted By: Smauls (2/7/2011 6:47:10 AM)


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