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In tournments it probably won't see too much play, but in serious casual or non-vintage games, I think you will see all three abilities occur. I like it.
Posted By: HedgeIII (5/29/2010 8:21:27 PM)


This thing's infinite Mana combo is silly.

Turn 1: Island, Training Grounds
Turn 2: Island, Thrumming bird
Turn 3: Island, Training Grounds, Everflowing Chalice for 1, attack with Thrummingbird to put the chalice at two, tap it and cast silver myr.
Turn 4: Island, Chalice for free, attack with Thrumming bird, put both chalices at 3 and 1, Use one to cast Palladium Myr
Turn 5: Island, Spawnsire of Ulamog, attack or do whatever
Turn 6: Use Spawnsire's first ability (lowered by Training grounds) to create infinite mana, then tap 3 islands and have your opponent draw an insane amount of cards

Absurd? Yes. Slow? Maybe. Hilarious? Definately

@MyrBattlecube: Oh yeah... That... Whoops. cast it for 1, not 0.
Posted By: ThisisSakon (4/15/2011 9:10:17 AM)


As Conspiracy enters the battlefield, choose a creature type.
Creature cards you own that aren't on the battlefield, creature spells you control, and creatures you control are the chosen type.

I choose Eldrazi.
I activate Spawnsire's final ability.
I play every creature card I own.
Posted By: Thoughtmaker (12/10/2010 4:04:56 PM)


Should be Quagsire of Ulamog.
Posted By: zeyette (8/12/2010 9:15:02 AM)


this is just silly , i mean really since when did cards have 20 mana actvation cost.

all these 10+ mana =when game cards are just going make magic less fun and games quicker than they are already.

these cards are no brainers .

@to the guy who is saying you can get infinate life , if your casting these and have 20 mana your really not going need that infinite life

Posted By: Mindbend (5/25/2010 3:23:07 PM)


This is the ultimate johnny card. One training grounds + this and Soul's Attendant = infinate life. One more training grounds and not only do u get infinate spawn tokens, you get to pop his ult. In this standard 10 mana is ez to ramp to.

In extended, this plus Doubling Season is infinate creatures entering and leaving the battlefield.

There are countless combos you could come up with this. Not to mention hes not that bad by himself, assuming you had 10 mana that would be a 7/11 annalator 1 that could pump out 4 chumps a turn.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (7/10/2010 9:54:40 PM)


I know you're all gonna hate me for this but...ELDRAZI PENUS!
Posted By: Test-Subject_217601 (8/20/2010 11:11:46 PM)


Yes casting multiple Emrakul, the Aeons Torn will give you multiple turns, there is nothing to counter it that counters a spell, it just happens when you cast it, and there ya go turn.

Of course you can't counter Emrakul anyway.

You can counter the ability with something like Voidslime that works, but of course you now also have a fat 15/15 smashing your face.

I don't like this card, cards that kinda break the way the game is played are much less common now, what I don't like about it is the obvious combo with Training Grounds, I feel like 2 card combos in the same set are pretty lazy and well, easy, its only 2 cards and you will win the game.

Then again this fella costs 10, but if Johnny, Combo Player has taught us anything, its that mana costs are pretty much moot when you go combotastic on their butts.
Posted By: ICEFANG13 (9/20/2011 8:12:26 AM)


I like that this card's second ability broke Gatherer's ability to display mana costs correctly. Apparently it's still not fixed. (Maybe Wizards had to sacrifice their website-maintenance crew to annihilator?)

Oh, and I like the Ruling that says "In a casual game, the cards you cast from outside the game come from your personal collection." Apparently, borrowing your friend's Emrakul is strictly prohibited!
Posted By: Salient (12/16/2011 2:14:01 AM)


I'm going to run this in a Training Grounds/Eldrazi-Spawn deck. The surprise will be that I don't need a second Training Grounds to combo off...into Fresh Meat.
Posted By: Ragamander (1/3/2012 11:22:43 PM)


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