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Community Rating: 3.742 / 5  (122 votes)
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Need more for artifacts for Galvanic Blast in RDW... But what besides this?
Molten-Tail Masticore? It can activate morbid for Brimstone Volley as well as deal moar damage... No those are too slow.
Livewire Lash could do it I suppose. Hit the creature for 1 with Arc Trail, then two to something else... Maybe if there was enough high toughness creatures.
hmm I guess I'll just have to go with more Mortarpods
Posted By: pedrodyl (1/19/2012 5:41:24 PM)


I've got 2 of these in my mono red deck. Loaded it with cheap spells and monsters if I get this out on turn 2 or 3 my friends i play against usualy give up by turn 5 (if they arent dead already). Definately a must for any type of deck.
Posted By: Ryuin (3/19/2012 2:00:47 AM)


shrine of burning rage is pretty menacing
Posted By: calsino (5/17/2012 5:23:40 AM)


Too often I forget to blow this in the face of anyone who tries to destroy or steal this from me, dammit!!
Posted By: AshToMoutHound (6/26/2012 1:45:44 PM)


By far the best shrine in the cycle. This is a card that wins you games.
Posted By: Jitteryowl (8/2/2013 5:52:06 PM)


Damn Dominaria and its smelly coalition... it'll go better this time, right guys?!
Posted By: Wayori (9/10/2013 11:32:35 AM)


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