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Breath of Fury
Posted By: Xycolian (7/27/2013 5:40:34 PM)


To what end would you use that? I don't think it will work out like you want it to. You can't regenerate the Adephage, because you'll be sacrificing it. Really you just need the Breath of Fury to make this happen. Well that, and maybe a Concordant Crossroads, or even better since you're obviously running red and green, Mass Hysteria. These 3 cards, can cause an infinite damage loop.

Matter of fact, I think I may put this combo to use! lol.

Adephage + Breath of Fury attacks, if it deals damage, put the token into play, sacrifice enchanted adephage, enchant new adephage, repeat till opponent is dead. Also add in a few Rubblehulk's, just for their bloodrush ability, to beef up the Giant Adephage, making sure it gets some trample damage in.

You can also add instead of Mass Hysteria, Emblem of the Warmind's. Cheap to play and enchant a dummy creature, or maybe even a wall? l... (see all)
Posted By: Deadling (9/11/2013 3:26:34 PM)


GreenGreenGreenGreen Hello, green devotion deck! GreenGreenGreenGreen
Token copies of a permanent have the same mana costs as that permanent (good to bear in mind if you want to use Ratchet Bomb). Every extra Adephage token will give you +2 devotion to green!

I'm giddy with excitement over Theros. I have a million deck ideas. Many of the mechanics are modular (devotion is mostly linear, though) and encourage combination with other mechanics- decks will be extremely unpredictable and varied. So many dominating cards will cycle out - Geist of Saint Traft, Huntmaster of the Fells, Falkenrath Aristocrat, Thragtusk, Restoration Angel, Liliana of the Veil, Bonfire of the Damned, Snapcaster Mage... Standard will be a whole new world.
Posted By: JimmyNoobPlayer (9/15/2013 10:30:27 PM)


Every time I look at this card I see something new that I like. It just keeps getting better.

The Timmy in me just dealt damage and spawned another free Timmy.
Posted By: K34 (1/19/2014 10:18:13 AM)


This thing looks Golgari, but the ability screams Simic.
Posted By: Syrtees (3/11/2014 8:51:47 PM)


So last night a friend was using my populate deck against me. He got out the Giant Adephage after already putting down two Parallel lives.
Needless to say after two turns he suddenly had thirty or so 7/7 insects that could duplicate themselves and his Wayfaring Temple was huge.
Posted By: ThatChrisFella (3/14/2014 1:33:58 PM)


...So I guess Quicksilver Gargantuan and Spawnwrithe fell in love and this is their baby.
Posted By: Narsus (4/15/2014 8:46:03 PM)



You must have pretty high standards for what makes an awesome mythic. This and Necropolis Regent are some really cool cards (in my opinion). I mean, at least they aren't just more chase mythics.


First of all, Ravnica is not the real world. Just because adephagans are extremely common in the real world doesn't mean that they also are in Ravnica. Second of all, this is not a normal adephage; this is a GIANT adephage! Since when have you seen a creature like this in real life?
Posted By: OlvynChuru (5/8/2014 2:19:48 PM)


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