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Community Rating: 3.942 / 5  (189 votes)
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"On each opponent's turn, take a turn."

Oh, and I pulled an Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver and two Polukranos, World Eater out of the same Theros fat pack. Three mythics out of nine packs is extraordinary. I pulled my first Prophet out of a single booster, and have two more in the mail. This has won me more games than Ashiok or Polukranos.

With some protection by Asceticism this breaks my Simic-Golgari (Simigari?) deck ramped with Overgrown Battlements and Druid's Repository. I'm casting Prime Speaker Zegana on other people's turns and not having to discard until the end of my next actual turn. It fires out Plasm Captures often and managed to turn a Colossus of Akros monstruous and putting a game away last night.
Posted By: jfre81 (12/7/2013 11:11:19 AM)


Yeva is an amazing card as has been proven in multiple EDH decks, this card may be more expensive and require a second color but it gives all creatures flash, which is amazing on multi-colored decks and the first ability is extremely EDH decks use Murkfiend liege just for that one purpose. My all creature The Mimeoplasm dredge EDH will love this it has multiple creatues and lands with tap abilities and now is more unpredictable.
Posted By: master_biomancer (9/17/2013 3:55:53 PM)


Fist of Kriphix has 2,000 years of lineage! a scum like you could never dreamed of mastering it!
Posted By: Cyberium (9/18/2013 5:41:22 PM)


I can't believe nobody has mentioned how well this card goes with Garruk's Horde. It's like Yeva, Nature's Herald and Urban Burgeoning combined!
Posted By: mattbl (9/23/2013 1:37:07 PM)


5/5 easily
Posted By: Pipikako (10/3/2013 8:34:27 AM)


I was reading the FAQ and I saw something that blew my mind: PROPHET ALLOWS BESTOW CREATURES TO BE CAST AS AURAS WITH FLASH!!!!!!!! Now we're all Boon Satyrs!
Posted By: JimmyNoobPlayer (10/8/2013 1:18:27 AM)


When this card was spoiled, I knew that I must have this card in all of my GU EDH decks. The potential for explosive plays are limitless.

Seedborne Muse is a strong card, but one of the problems is that you have problems using the free untap without building around it a little, be it having more instants, or having flash enablers like Teferi.

This card is half a Seedborne Muse, half Teferi, but the halves work perfectly together. Have some card draw and this lets you flood the board.
Posted By: mdakw576 (10/15/2013 4:51:48 AM)


Devastating results in my Maelstrom Wanderer Commander Deck. Devastating...
Posted By: TexasDice (11/20/2013 3:11:39 AM)


This thing has my name all over it!
had to hunt down a foil version, so lovely
Posted By: PastProphet (12/21/2013 10:38:50 AM)


Prophet has extreme power, but unfortunately she lacks the immediate impact and/or durability that a 5 drop needs these days. Definitely worth getting for casual or EDH though. 3.5/5
Posted By: Yakone (1/10/2014 12:33:42 AM)


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