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Community Rating: 3.595 / 5  (84 votes)
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I was disappointed when I pulled this one. Seriously, at mythic ranking you'd think her ability would just say draw the card, not draw a card if you played a creature. Compare to soul of the harvest

I did get Mogis too, so it wasn't a total loss.

I see the error of my ways, thanks for the lecture.
Posted By: K34 (3/3/2014 6:54:28 AM)


Posted By: chrome_dome (3/10/2014 3:28:38 AM)


To make your opponent really squirm play this with Norin the Wary. Neither of them are easy to remove, and you are going to be drawing a bunch of cards.
Posted By: gatorjunkie (3/19/2014 12:50:50 PM)


what about trogen horse? that'll work nicely with the cantrip. I'm so glad they wrote "enters battlefield," and not "cast."
Posted By: Matsumoto (3/23/2014 5:47:20 PM)


As a duel commander general, she benefits from the support of as many creatures as possible to draw into only the most powerful control elements. Too many duel commander decks with this baby are littered with typical blue/white instants and not enough control creatures to really exploit her abilities both as a card drawing engine as well as an indestructible creature.
Posted By: Puppetman (4/6/2014 5:33:41 AM)


Pulled this in a draft with a few flash cards, which made it even stronger. Powerful card, even when not a creature.
Posted By: r2d2go (4/20/2014 6:59:53 PM)


Synergy with Paw Print. Flash in creatures to get an another card on your turn as well as the one on theirs. Would be good in commander I guess if you could flash in a creature every turn.
Posted By: MachineAge (5/5/2014 7:33:42 PM)


Ephara, Goddess of the Polis
Posted By: emlit (5/11/2014 6:50:36 PM)


This doesn't feel W/U to me (seems more at home with Kruphix, God of Horizons IMO), but it does work well with a White Weenie strategy. Because we really needed Soldiers to potentially win quicker.
Posted By: TheWallinator74 (5/11/2014 8:44:07 PM)


I don't think this is for white weenie decks. You definitely want to run those style of creatures in a deck running this card, but it would ultimately be a slower deck. It'd probably feature more removal and control elements while running creatures that help control and also dish out damage - like lyev skyknight for example as well as maybe banisher priest.

Devotion would be important and some ways to get creatures into play on your opponent's turns would be handy. Ephara would act as a finisher and would keep your hand full while you continually drop threats and answers.
Posted By: SAUS3 (5/21/2014 10:01:23 AM)


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