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Community Rating: 4.283 / 5  (69 votes)
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Hello Omniscience
Posted By: MortisAngelus (3/17/2014 3:19:39 PM)


Whenever I see ridiculous rulings like the ones on this card, I always imagine there's some Magic player that called a 1-800 magic rules hotline or something.
Posted By: tcollins (3/23/2014 9:10:35 PM)


Since everyone seems to have said all there is about this card’s effects、let me say I love that it looks like they’re doing some groovy dancing in the art。
Posted By: Kodanshi (4/2/2014 6:39:58 PM)


I like how the ruling of this card mostly talks about it's interaction with Humility.
Posted By: Tribor (4/13/2014 12:57:39 PM)


I pulled this off a guy in a casual match... and he thought I was ***ting him when I warned him against his elf ramp deck 'on the next turn there will be 2059 parallel lives'. 'Where the elf did the number 2059 come in from?'

Then I showed him the comments on here. He reluctantly approved, having realized the situation, and proceeded to ramp with everything he could do to beat me before Parallel lives went critical mass. And he just barely succeeded. Good game indeed, good game.
Posted By: Yodha (5/1/2014 5:28:46 AM)


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