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Community Rating: 4.548 / 5  (331 votes)
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This card is a good example of how a card doesn't have to be printed recently to be considered powerful. I always wonder how powercreep can be considered all that bad right now when most of the best cards in Magic have been around from or almost from the beginning. This card is good enough it'd be banned from my meta if anyone managed to get their fingers on one.
Posted By: sarroth (9/11/2010 8:43:37 PM)


I have a VERY important question... WHERE CAN I GET THIS!!!! because this is a card i remember playing with when i was 6 and i want to get a copy for nostalgia (and the fact that this is the only card i would concievably put next to black lotus for mana accel)

edit: Ok, so i now know that these (from the vaults set) are due to be released as of aug 27th (2010) and will be available for a short time period
Posted By: combobuilder (8/17/2010 10:30:29 AM)


This card was awesome when it first came out in 1993...and It's just as awesome now! The new artwork is ok, and I really like the Flavor Text. 5/5
Posted By: Lionhawk (8/18/2010 1:00:40 PM)


Oh my god. They really want me to buy from the vault: relics.
Posted By: metalevolence (8/18/2010 2:02:36 PM)


You know, after the large blow-up of "Falls to Doom Blade, horrible card",
I guess you can use the same logic with this card and Naturalize, right?
Just trying to prove a point, 'cause this is obviously a wonderful card.
Posted By: infernox10 (9/7/2010 8:57:42 PM)


The artist in me appreciated the appearance.. The blue combo player in me appreciated the freekin universal mana ramp that can be used instantly.. to make more. I just realized that. You can play a sol ring and tap it to play another sol ring, amounting for six freeking mana turn 2, 10 if your lucky enough to have four
Posted By: TheSwarm (9/8/2010 2:47:59 PM)


Turn 1 basic land, tap for Sol Ring, tap Sol Ring for Winter Orb. Pretty much my favorite play in my Winter Orb deck.
Posted By: JenBroness (9/9/2010 6:34:15 PM)


worn powerstone, now you see how fregen powerful this is compared to what makes sense.
Posted By: bijart_dauth (10/1/2010 8:55:36 AM)


Cool! It's back!
Posted By: Duskdale_Wurm (10/2/2010 5:36:27 AM)


Excellent addition to most decks. 5/5
Posted By: LarsBM (10/2/2010 3:50:46 PM)


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