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Goofy and fun with a barrage of Flings...
Posted By: mrchuckmorris (7/30/2013 12:27:45 AM)


This + Ooze Flux + Master Biomancer + Gyre Sage = Potentially unlimited Oozes that either get bigger if you kill them, or gets more if you kill them....

If you can get around 8 counters onto Sage, tap for 8 Forest - make four 2/2's which will all become 4/4 if you have Master Biomancer out.... When each one dies, you'll get 4 counters to put onto a creature of your choice.. If you go Sage, you get more tokens, if you go Master Biomancer, you'll get stronger tokens.. and this keeps repeating...

and the more times your opponent kills your creatures, the more counters you get back... so killing the Ooze tokens won't be a problem...

Oh and just imagine the insanity if Doubling Season or the alternative - Corpsejack Menace and Parallel Lives were on the field... hehehehehehee

Nice evil deck I'm gonna build...
Posted By: Jezzatron (8/21/2013 5:54:48 AM)


Makes a nice unstoppable dynamo of a machine gun with Jarad, golgari lich lord.
Posted By: Hercynian (12/19/2013 10:54:13 AM)


Heyhey, no one talked about Skullbriar EDH!!! Im putting one in my Skullbriar sacrifice deck, because it's awesome for those free +1/+1 whnever I sacrifice a creature!
Posted By: TheGigiBeast (1/17/2014 7:08:22 PM)


Disgusting card. Wish it honestly cost more, was harder to play, something. The power level on this is psychotic. Maybe too slow for most formats, but without exception every game I've seen it resolve in, it won. By the time you naturalize, its too late. I would easily pay the same mana for a card that only distributed 2 counters and only counted non-tokens. And why, why on earth is this mono-green and not g/b? Being able to play this with barely a splash of green is sickening.
Posted By: Dr.Pingas (4/11/2014 10:32:39 PM)


This plus Mitotic Slime+Goblin Bombardment so much funny.
Posted By: Meks (4/20/2014 10:22:53 PM)


Ok, since no one mentioned it... Nacatl, War-Pride.

Stick that in your deck of juicy green cards.
Posted By: MtG_Maniac (4/30/2014 1:24:29 PM)


I use it in my rgw token deck. Also use it in my pentavus steel overseer arty deck. When it comes out, the game usually wraps up pretty quick after.
Posted By: Urzasbeard (5/23/2014 4:28:05 PM)


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