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wow this would be the most annoying way to die ever your appoint just sits back the whole game fighting off your army's building it up one charge counter at a time.
Posted By: dragonking987 (11/9/2010 6:37:24 PM)


Gonna throw it in as a win condition in a defender deck and overgrown battlement, producing manymany manas whilst also producing many many lifes via wall of reverence and perimeter captain
this card is either horrendous or a fantastic. And at bijart_dauth, Iona iiiiiisssss a damn win condition. You do not need this card.
Posted By: TheSwarm (11/14/2010 6:57:45 AM)


I learned the hard way not to play it on turn one in EDH when your commander is Rosheen. Everyone ganged up on me and I died pretty quickly. Not that it is a bad card, just don't let people know you have it until you can dominate the board.
Posted By: Tommy9898 (11/15/2010 1:42:29 AM)


in r/g with braids of fire
Posted By: Wormfang (3/4/2011 2:00:37 PM)


begging to be comboed with opalescence and training grounds (not really, but could work in a bant deck). Might also be good to throw doubling season in the deck.
Ok, now I pay 1 mana and win next upkeep!
(4 training grounds=9 counters/mana, 4 doubling season= 9*16, which is way more than 100)
Posted By: frommerman (3/22/2011 8:06:03 PM)


@SpencerDub and Kruggles, You can't Proliferate Helix Pinnacle due to it having shroud. Though you can use Doubling Season since it does not target like Proliferate.
Posted By: ajpinton (4/1/2011 1:41:50 PM)


this card is going to be hilarious in my elf deck. it's uncommon not for me to be able to tap for close to 100 mana if not more by turn 5 just the way the deck runs as i have it. if it happens to get destroyed, oh well...if not, funny way to win.

though i do have a question...if i activate it's ability for x mana, and it gets destroyed somehow while the ability is on the stack through an instant, is the mana gone at that point? i would assume so, and if that's the case i'd have to wait an extra turn for a huge banefire lol
Posted By: RianBattle (7/5/2012 10:54:45 AM)


Not that good. The only viable combo for this guy is Mox Lotus.

Posted By: Swag_Crow (1/14/2014 6:11:17 AM)


i'm building a mono green mana axeleration elf deck useing tooth and nail to pull an iona and a painter's servant to lock doun the game long enough to win.
Posted By: bijart_dauth (3/27/2010 10:35:28 AM)


A full set of Bloom Tender and Freed from the Real come to a small fortune less than Doubling Season, so I'd go with those.
Posted By: NuclearMECCA (4/5/2010 6:32:24 PM)


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