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Community Rating: 3.672 / 5  (206 votes)
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Except for the double strike part, this guy could've been mono g. Sarkhan Vol could've been mono r.
But nooo, multicolored is cooler, we already have so many monocolored planeswalkers....
Posted By: Tezz (3/27/2013 8:16:50 AM)


Ever wondered what Vaas Montenegro would be like if he was a Planeswalker? Wonder no more.
Posted By: Floorsweeper (4/20/2013 4:58:44 AM)


At first, I thought he was rather blah. But after pulling one in a pack and slotting him into a Naya aggro deck, I absolutely love this little guy. Creature ramp is always a good thing, and he does it for free. I love how he helps you grind down your opponent's defenses with the first minus ability, and the ultimate pretty much guarantees you a win unless your opponent plays a board wipe. Honestly, nothing bad about him. Very well done planeswalker.
Posted By: GhostCounselor (4/30/2013 11:13:21 AM)



wouldn't Garruk be beast boy and Tezzeret be cyborg
Posted By: J_Cast (5/17/2013 7:35:42 PM)


Put him in a creature-intensive zoo deck with Dark Confidant. Domri and Bob actually have a good combo together. Domri draws a creature if he can, and if creatures are your only mana-expensive cards, chances are Bob won't see a creature and you won't lose as much life. If Domri sees a land, Bob does too and you lose no life. Just keep the noncreature spells cheap and it'll work out.
Posted By: j_mindfingerpainter (6/1/2013 9:48:42 AM)


i am a blue mage ,i cant this card to enter any of my deck.but i like this "kid".i would like to see this card on my oppenent's board and not because it is easy pray but because the game would be fun.4/5 from me
Posted By: kronos1225 (6/21/2013 12:40:03 PM)


I love the synergy between him and bloodrush. Moar creature spells!
Posted By: CogMonocle (6/21/2013 1:15:46 PM)


I would have a playset in my aggro deck if it werent so frikin expensive!!!!!
Posted By: GarrukTheSMexLord (8/24/2013 12:40:16 PM)


Domri Rade is a great card. What might make him better than he already is? Scry! And it's back! Magma Jet, anyone? Scry is even on the new dual lands.
Posted By: TheChort (9/5/2013 10:40:08 PM)


This boy has won me countless games. Say if you run 28-30 creatures, his +1 says draw half a card. Think of him like this: 1RG Enchantment, draw half a card every turn, and if this is the fourth turn since he came down, instead you win the game. This is pretty much Domri against your average control deck. Against aggro he's not stellar, but still pretty decent (drawing cards is good whoever you're facing). Domri + Boros Reckoner can wreck an aggro player's board. I've played him in decks with creature count as low as 22, and against many decks I still want to draw him.
Posted By: sweetgab (10/12/2013 10:24:48 PM)


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