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Roid Elemental's weaker brother
Posted By: Vishlord (11/3/2011 3:30:45 PM)


If it does not die the turn it comes out, you should have some, I dont know, counters? I mean, its not like this card is in blue (sarcasm).

They can try to deal with it, with no success. The real danger is the turn you drop this thing, unless you save up 8 mana, but then its coming out to late.

So maybe not a spike card, but it can easily win you games if you play correctly.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (4/13/2012 6:49:04 PM)


I liking using this in my Isperia the Inscrutable EDH. The flying means I can search him with her ability, and she also lets me search this guy's good buddy: Patron of the Moon. Double Mind Control at instant speed for 1 colorless? Seems good.
Posted By: Kelptic183 (10/20/2012 7:20:27 PM)


Play in an enter the battlefield deck with cards like Wood Elves and proceed to steal all of your opponent's creatures. Add insult to injury with Sunken Hope and Overburden
Posted By: Rouser (5/3/2013 7:50:35 PM)


Until i saw the wallpaper, I missed the fact that there's a freaking dragon on the right.
I thought those would be just a couple more rocks floating around.
Posted By: Mode (7/27/2013 2:27:24 AM)


game changer
Posted By: Quadsimotto (8/21/2013 11:15:56 AM)


I find it humorous that this massive force of nature, which looks like it could eat that dragon for lunch, can be effortlessly destroyed by a jackal pup.
Posted By: Arachnos (10/10/2013 8:22:58 PM)


This looks like it could've been mythic. yes, 2 toughness is easy to kill, but if it isn't dealt with before the first land drop, it causes serious problems.
Posted By: mdakw576 (12/22/2013 5:12:51 AM)


I feel like it should be able to steal lands and artifacts too. It's in Zendikar (a land set) and it pulls everything physical towards it, it's art is ripping the land apart, etc..

I think it'd be neat had they mixed him with Phyrexian Ingester so he just got huge as he sucked up permanents.
Posted By: blurrymadness (1/16/2014 4:23:17 PM)


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