I had a rather entertaining edh 1v1 with my friend killing time one day, he with his Bant enchantments he built (academy rector + omniscience= broken) and had been using my thrown together Keranos deck with this in it. I play EotS and nothing gets put on it for about 6 turns, he plays Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur, I get away with having a Dictate of Kruphix, start my turn with plenty of mana, and a Blatant Thievery and Steam Augury in hand, took the Omniscience and by the end of my next turn I had taken all nonland permanents on his field and dealt about 30-some damage to him from a combination of Lightning Bolt, Lava Axe, Sudden Shock, and Searing Spear copies I got from repeated Auguries. The best part was he discarded his Krosan Grip on turn 3 since he didn't draw enough land early