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removal or gg.

Fortunately, he dies to everything. Might want to drop this with 3 or 4 mana to have counter mana.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (12/16/2013 3:58:14 AM)


I missed on a fun set :(
Posted By: car2n (2/11/2014 10:56:40 PM)


They basically have 10 turns to draw removal or die, mostly.
Posted By: Maxofthehouse (3/2/2014 11:17:41 PM)


As if infect wasn't dangerous enough already this thing just has to be unblockable as well.

... It's like getting the Black Death and then finding out you've got Aids and Ebola besides that.

That being said, you guys know all the "flipped table jokes?"


To quote a friend of mine: "I know you hate my token deck, but I f**king hate that infect deck of yours. I'm NOT playing against it."
Posted By: Vastator (3/18/2014 6:02:15 PM)


Something along the lines of this happened to me today:
Turn 1: Simic guildgate
Turn 2: swamp, Blighted Agent
Turn 3: Island, Skeletal Grimace. Attack for 2 unblockable infect
Turn 4: Forest, Ana Sanctuary, Attack for 2 infect again
Turn 5: Blighted Agent is now a 7/7 for this turn, due to having a blue and black permanent. Opponent was suddenly on 11 poison counters.

Blighted Agent is ridiculous.
T1: Island
T2: Forest, Blighted Agent
T3: Forest, Phytoburst and Forced Adaptation. Attack for 6 unblockabld
T4: Forest, basically anything that gives a +2/+2 buff. Let's say Blanchwood armor. Attack for 5 unblockable and win.
Posted By: ThatChrisFella (3/21/2014 10:36:11 PM)


This is Phyrexia's version of a human. It's a good card, of course, but that's what strikes me most. That thing is still identifiable as a human.
Posted By: Daxos_of_Meletis (5/7/2014 8:04:23 PM)


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