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Community Rating: 3.896 / 5  (173 votes)
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That 8/8 token from Return to Ravnica? Yeah. Now its 2 8/8s.
Also I populated. 2 more 8/8s.

Naya is strong. Fling/Haste waboom.
Posted By: Silver-Paladin (9/19/2012 7:50:30 PM)


Soul Foundry
Armada Wurm
Parallel Lives

Does this work how I think it would?
Posted By: MrAquafiend (10/27/2012 4:25:56 PM)


Step 1: Play Parallel Lives + Corpsejack Menace + Doubling Season + Cathars' Crusade

Step 2: ???

Step 3: Profit.

Though you may need a calculator handy to know just how much profit.

Luckily, my friends Ghave, Guru of Spores and Mycoloth tend to keep one on their persons for just such occasions.
Posted By: MisterMirage (12/16/2012 10:11:39 AM)


3.5/5. Great card but it doesn't make a deck (for me); just improves existing decks.

While not strictly as good as Doubling Season, in my meta they have almost the exact same effect as almost no one I play with uses Walkers but this (can) hit the table sooner. The deck I want to run this in would be an Eldrazi deck to get bonus Spawn from Skittering Invasion and the like.

The main reason this card is strictly better for me personally? I can buy 4 for significantly less then even 1 Doubling Season.
Posted By: RecurringMemories (1/22/2013 7:36:47 AM)


There is a seemingly endless number of possibilities for this card. Honestly, i feel like this card could easily be abused. BETTER GRAB THEM NATURALIZES AGAIN :D

Nevermind it came from the new werewolf-based set (Innistrad i believe, but correct me if I'm wrong), This cards is simply dying to join Selesnya in Return to Ravnica.
Posted By: Burningsickle (2/24/2013 4:37:40 PM)


I don't understand why this is rated lower than Doubling Season. It's better in a lot of decks in general. For one less CMC, you can still get the doubling effect. Sure, you lose the added counters too, but if your deck doesn't run any spells that give counters, you don't need them (plus with Doubling Season, you're more susceptible to Infect/Wither).
Posted By: TheWaddleDeeKing (3/12/2013 2:04:45 PM)


This+entreat the agnels=instant win. Unless you are playing versus Izzet or something like that.
Posted By: Winhert (3/14/2013 1:42:43 AM)


I just built my deck around this card, also containing Garruk, Primal Hunter
Posted By: mandalorekilstar (4/5/2013 1:01:42 AM)


Play this + Opalescence + Rite of Replication (kicked) and you get whatever token goes into play x2^11
Posted By: atemu1234 (4/14/2013 9:03:51 AM)


This combos with Captain's Call or Gather The Townsfolk really well if you have Bronzebeak Moa or even Healer Of The Pride in play. Or even with Wayfaring Temple, Geist Honored Monk or Crusader of Odric. Still, if you want to be a serious jerk, and lose all of your friends, have this, Rancor and the Bronzebeak Moa on the field. Wait until you have 5 life left, then pull out Gather The Townsfolk. That's 10 creatures entering the battlefield at once. So 10x3=30.. yeah. With trample. But wait! Since Gather The Townsfolk is a 2 drop, you could do this more than once. So instead of a 34/32, you could have a 64/62. With trample. Go ahead, I dare you to chumpblock it. Either way, you're still going to take damage.
Posted By: fenixissoawesome (6/9/2013 7:40:18 PM)


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