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BUG zombie swarm with this, Endless Ranks of the Dead and Paradox Haze. I want to make this now.
Posted By: FaceClaimer (6/11/2013 11:14:03 PM)


Turn 2: Manaweft Sliver
Turn 3: Blur Sliver
Turn 4: Parallel Lives
Turn 5: Parallel Lives, Hive Stirrings
Turn 6: Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage, Eldrazi Monument

Modern infinite has spoken.
Posted By: Rogem (8/30/2013 10:29:24 AM)


Hmm.... Parallel Lives + Opalescence + Splinter Twin (enchanting Parallel Lives) + Intruder Alarm gives you an infinite number of Parallel Lives that are 4/4 creatures (with haste) that you can literally win the game with... granted, it's a combo that requires {G}, {W}, {R} and {U} but still!

That aside, this is a great card that will work wonders in a token deck, especially with mechanics like populate.
Posted By: tcollins (1/21/2014 2:42:05 PM)


What happens when you enchant Parallel Lives, Doubling Season, or Primal Vigor with Followed Footsteps when Opalescence is out? A lot of math, that's what happens! The formula for the number D(t) of token doublers at turn t is expressed as D(t) = 2^D(t - 1) + D(t - 1), where D(0) = 1.

Turn 0: 1 token doubler
Turn 1: 3 (2 + 1) token doublers
Turn 2: 11 (2^3 + 3)
Turn 3: 2059 (2^11 + 11)
Turn 4: 2^2059 + 2059 (6.6185228e619; 620 digits long!)
Turn 5: 2^6.6185228e619 + 6.6185228e619 (1.9923739e619 digits long!!)

Of course, no amount of tokens will save you from a board wipe...

@Deadling: "Global" is an old term referring to all enchantments that weren't Auras (referred to as "local enchantments"). Check the Oracle text.
Posted By: Continue (3/18/2014 9:06:05 AM)


Xathrid Necromancer+ Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker+ Shadowborn Apostle + You= A lot of zombies. You are the reason most of the land in the roach deck is going to be overgrown tombs.
Posted By: ISE5104 (4/14/2014 10:23:06 AM)


The Most Horrifying ( or Amazing) combo ever...

Mycoloth, Cathars' Crusade, and Parallel Lives

Posted By: BlackPhoenix916 (4/27/2014 2:11:34 PM)


Bloodline Keeper + Intruder Alarm....I have gotten "infinite overkill" many times with that combo. :D
Turn1, swamp
Turn 2, island, cast dark ritual, cast bloodline keeper,
turn 3, play third land and cast Intruder Alarm: Tap BK to bring out a 2/2 flyer, untapping the BK: Repeat infinite times or until you run out of token placeholders (dice might work).
Turn 4: flip Bloodline Keeper and either attack for infinite or troll them...either way: You've won. :D
Posted By: Bacon_Businessman (5/3/2014 1:22:41 PM)


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