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Community Rating: 1.224 / 5  (288 votes)
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I want to believe that this card has potential. Yeah, lifegain's weak... and 8 mana is alot.... and depending on cards in the graveyard means having to play/mill/discard more than 1 card per turn for this to be worth it... but.... gee this is a tough one to stand up for.

But hey, it's a fun and flavourful card. A white deck that plays this is literally clinging to it's last threads of hope. Plus, it could be abused in casual decks, maybe with necropotence
Posted By: playyourcardsright (1/22/2013 11:10:42 PM)


I agree completely with everything you just said. I think they should've handled the cost that way instead.

If this card costed less, scored you more life per card, and didn't force you to shuffle your library (Thus obsoleting using multiples) it would've been playable. Look at Phosphorescent Feast, that's a 5 drop that can easily score you much more life that this card with much quicker and with very little effort with the likes of Khalni Hydra or Primalcrux.

As it is, it's just a shame that such wondrous art was placed on such a trash card. This had the chance to be the gem that life gain needed too. But most of the time I'd rather suspend (or even hardcast) Heroes Remembered.

As a side note, I'd bet this card be pretty dope in EDH, depending on the deck. So it's definitely not all bad.
Posted By: BongRipper420 (10/3/2012 9:15:54 PM)


Gnaw to the Bones retarded gay niece.
Posted By: MRK1 (12/25/2012 5:41:13 AM)


I think people are being a little harsh. Put two of these into a {W}{U} control deck and you'll probably find you gain 30-40 life on turn 8 with reasonable cantrips or similar. Don't run 3 or 4 of or you'll be running into it when you can't cast it.

Also notice that this instantly meets the win conditions in a Felidar Sovereign style deck.

To those bashing it on its rarity; limited would suffer from this being at common, and if it was rare you'd pull it even more often! If you hate the card, it's better to get less of it yeah? This didn't take the place of your Jace, think of it as not pulling 20 in place of *good* commons/uncommons
Posted By: blurrymadness (1/28/2013 10:05:54 AM)


Why is this card so low rated? I mean, it's late game, and your health is down, and you've used a lot of spells. BOOM! Take a whiff of this bomb, and all that life comes rushing back, and/aut... (see all)
Posted By: Swag_Crow (12/27/2013 8:21:24 AM)


I actually really enjoy this card. But I tend to use it when I have sixty something cards in my graveyard, so that eight mana is worth it. Especially after the games been going on for hours and eight mana is nothing.
Posted By: Cleo_Kaerf (4/27/2014 4:23:57 PM)


I could think of a few decks that would want this in EDH. Especially milling yourself with Traumatize and then casting this to gain ~ 60+ hp seems like a pretty decent play in a life-gain deck. Follow up with Storm Herd and laugh as you proceed to trample your opponents to death with what they considered to be crap rares.

EDIT: Whoever rated my comment 0.5/5 must really hate EDH >.>
Posted By: GrimjawxRULES (5/2/2014 12:25:18 PM)


I gave this card 5/5 because it does not deserve 1.38/5.

Also because I'm a troll.
Posted By: Crotchkicker (2/4/2012 3:21:39 PM)


Drogskol Reaver combine with this. Now you have a combo.

Edit:Actually let me explain the Drogskol Reaver a bit better. Lets say you have 5 cards in your graveyard when you use this card. You will not be gaining 10 life. You will be gaining 2+2+2+2+2 life. This is important because of how it interacts with cards that benefit from life gain. So cards like Drogskol Reaver or Ajani's Pridemate will trigger for each 2 life gained. Does this mean that this card is good? No. This card is still rather terrible. If I'm going to abuse Drogskol Reaver I'm going to do it with Venser's Journal.

If I am wrong about this please tell me. I believe this is correct though because of cards that say you gain X life where X is double as apposed to cards that say 2 life for each.
Posted By: Yozuk (2/6/2012 1:50:37 PM)


even if it were less mana...
I pulled one of these and killed the guy next to me :(
Posted By: Phyrexian_Boss (2/14/2012 2:18:24 PM)


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