+"Lie Setiawan" (115)

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Amareth, the Lustrous Archfiend of the Dross Ardent Electromancer Ascendant Spirit Ashroot Animist Aurelia, the Law Above Auspicious Arrival Belisarius Cawl Blade Banish Blade of Selves Blaster Hulk Bloodbraid Challenger Boon of the Wish-Giver Brokers Veteran Chandra, Flameshaper Chaos Mutation Clever Lumimancer Clone Crafter Coral Merfolk Coralhelm Chronicler Coveted Prize Dawnbringer Cleric Desynchronization Diviner's Portent Dockside Extortionist Drafna, Founder of Lat-Nam Dragonkin Berserker Dredge the Mire Drumbellower Ecological Appreciation Elenda, Saint of Dusk Everquill Phoenix Everything Comes to Dust Evie Frye Experimental Overload Exquisite Huntmaster Extract from Darkness Faerie Slumber Party Fatal Push Fireblade Charger Fling Fly Fugitive of the Judoon Fynn, the Fangbearer Garruk, Unleashed Garruk's Harbinger Grasp of Fate Halvar, God of Battle Inquisitor Greyfax Jacob Frye Klothys's Design Krenko, Mob Boss Kylox, Visionary Inventor Lantern Flare Lightning Phoenix Luminous Broodmoth Lutri, the Spellchaser Mage Hunters' Onslaught Maja, Bretagard Protector Mantle of Tides Mentor of the Meek Metropolis Angel Might of Murasa Moonsnare Specialist Nimble Pilferer Odious Witch Okiba Salvage Oko, the Ringleader Silverflame Squire (On Alert) Ox of Agonas Phase Dolphin Pride of the Perfect Prowling Geistcatcher Quick Draw Quintorius, Loremaster Ragged Recluse Rally the Ranks Redcap Raiders Restart Sequence River's Favor Roar of Resistance Rootweaver Druid Security Rhox Shady Traveler Shimmer Dragon Silverflame Squire Slice from the Shadows Soaring Thought-Thief Solve the Equation Song of Inspiration Spell Pierce Stalking Predator Stern Dismissal Stern Lesson Stinging Hivemaster Sure Strike Sword of the Realms Syr Gwyn, Hero of Ashvale Tactical Advantage Test of Talents
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