+Leon, +Tukker (35)

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Aeronaut's Wings Aetherwing, Golden-Scale Flagship Armored Armadillo Artificer's Dragon Chromatic Lantern Cityscape Leveler Clay Champion Command Tower Creosote Heath Explosive Derailment Forest Fountainport Guildpact Paragon Hallowed Fountain Invasion of Kaladesh Invasion of Ravnica Invasion of Vryn Island Luxurious Locomotive Mishra's Foundry Mountain Ornithopter of Paradise Overloaded Mage-Ring Plains Platoon Dispenser Restless Anchorage Rootwire Amalgam Shardless Outlander Skitterbeam Battalion Sterling Hound Stomping Ground Sumala Rumblers Swamp Terror Ballista The Key to the Vault
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