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Burn at the Stake Burn Away Burn Bright Burn Down the House Burn from Within Burn the Accursed Burn the Impure Callous Sell-Sword (Burn Together) Burn Trail Burning Anger Burning Cinder Fury of Crimson Chaos Fire Burning Cloak Burning Earth Burning Fields Burning Hands Burning Inquiry Burning of Xinye Burning Oil Burning Palm Efreet Burning Prophet Burning Sands Burning Shield Askari Burning Sun Cavalry Burning Sun's Avatar Burning Sun's Fury Burning Vengeance Burning Wish Burning-Eye Zubera Burning-Fist Minotaur Burning-Rune Demon Burning-Tree Bloodscale Burning-Tree Emissary Burning-Tree Shaman Burning-Tree Vandal Burning-Yard Trainer Burnished Dunestomper Burnished Hart Burnout Burnt Offering Burnwillow Clearing Burr Grafter Burrenton Bombardier Burrenton Forge-Tender Burrenton Shield-Bearers Burrog Befuddler Burrowing Burrowing Razormaw Burst Lightning Burst of Energy Burst of Speed Burst of Strength Bursting Beebles Bury in Books Bushi Tenderfoot Bushmeat Poacher Butch DeLoria, Tunnel Snake Butcher Ghoul Butcher of Malakir Butcher of the Horde Butcher Orgg Butcher's Cleaver Butcher's Glee Butterbur, Bree Innkeeper Buy Your Silence By Force Bygone Marvels Byway Courier Cabal Archon Cabal Coffers Cabal Executioner Cabal Inquisitor Cabal Interrogator Cabal Patriarch Cabal Ritual Cabal Shrine Cabal Slaver Cabal Stronghold Cabal Surgeon Cabal Therapist Cabal Therapy Cabal Torturer Cabal Trainee Cabaretti Ascendancy Cabaretti Charm Cabaretti Confluence Cabaretti Courtyard Cabaretti Initiate Cabaretti Revels Cache Raiders Cackling Counterpart Cackling Culprit Cactarantula Cactus Preserve Cactusfolk Sureshot Cadaver Imp Cadaverous Bloom Cadaverous Knight Cadira, Caller of the Small Cadric, Soul Kindler Caduceus, Staff of Hermes
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