"Douglas Shuler" (135)

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Allosaurus Shepherd Animate Artifact Anti-Magic Aura Arachnogenesis Artifact Ward B.F.M. (Big Furry Monster) B.F.M. (Big Furry Monster, Right Side) Baton of Morale Battle Cry Benalish Hero Blast from the Past Candelabra of Tawnos Cardboard Carapace Chandler Circle of Protection: White Clockwork Gnomes Compost Contract from Below Crawlspace D'Avenant Archer Death Speakers Demonic Tutor Dockside Extortionist Drain Life Drain Power Dwarven Berserker Dwarven Soldier Dwarven Warriors Elixir of Vitality Enchanted Being Escaped Shapeshifter Extinguish Faithless Looting Falling Star Fasting Fire Elemental Fissure Fit of Rage Flicker Force of Nature Forest Frozen Shade Gallantry Gerrard, Weatherlight Hero Ghitu War Cry Glasses of Urza Gloom Greater Good Hallowed Ground Heaven's Gate Homarid Spawning Bed Homarid Warrior Hypnotic Specter Icatian Infantry Icatian Scout Icy Manipulator Infinite Authority Inundated Archive Island Island of Wak-Wak Joven Juniper Order Advocate Kavu Runner Khabál Ghoul Krovikan Elementalist Lim-Dûl's Cohort Llanowar Sentinel Lodestone Bauble Lone Wolf Mana Vortex Marsh Gas Mending Hands Mind Rot Mob Mentality Mountain Nadier's Nightblade Northern Paladin Null Chamber Oath of Lim-Dûl Old Fogey Orcish Conscripts Orcish Veteran Oubliette Pentagram of the Ages Plains Power Artifact Power Surge Prodigal Sorcerer Psionic Blast Quicksilver Amulet Quirion Elves Reparations Righteousness Ring of Renewal River Merfolk Royal Herbalist Scent of Jasmine Seeker of the Way Serra Angel Shadowbane
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