+"David Palumbo" (116)

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Accumulated Knowledge Afflicted Deserter Alchemist's Apprentice Aminatou, Veil Piercer Angrath's Ambusher Apex Hawks Arashin Foremost Armed // Dangerous (Armed) Armorcraft Judge Aven Squire Black Cat Blood-Chin Fanatic Calcite Snapper Cancel Captivating Vampire Celestial Purge Chaos Channeler Charismatic Vanguard Chief of the Edge Chief of the Scale Chimeric Mass Clear the Mind Clockwork Servant Constricting Tendrils Cruel Entertainment Cursed Minotaur Armed // Dangerous (Dangerous) Dazzling Reflection Dead Reveler Dead Revels Deadly Wanderings Deathcult Rogue Defiant Khenra Deft Duelist Desert's Due Devout Invocation Dissipate Disturbed Slumber Dragon Hatchling Embodiment of Fury Expedition Envoy Fate Unraveler Flare of Malice Gaea's Blessing Ghor-Clan Wrecker Glory-Bound Initiate Goblin Oriflamme God-Favored General Golgari Raiders Greedy Freebooter Haazda Snare Squad Hanweir Militia Captain Honor the God-Pharaoh Hot Soup Human Frailty Hunted Witness Hunter's Ambush Jhessian Balmgiver Legion's End Lost in the Mist Makindi Patrol Manakin Marked by Honor Marsh Threader Mausoleum Guard Medomai the Ageless Merciless Executioner Mesa Cavalier Messenger Falcons Moorland Inquisitor Murderous Compulsion Nimbus Naiad Obelisk of Bant Ordeal of Nylea Orzhov Racketeers Painful Quandary Palace Jailer Phalanx Leader Pitiless Plunderer Priest of the Blood Rite Prying Questions Pyxis of Pandemonium Reave Soul Resolute Survivors Restoration Specialist Rockcaster Platoon Sacrifice Sanctuary Cat Sanguine Spy Seraph Sanctuary Serene Remembrance Shatterskull Recruit Shield of the Righteous Shielded by Faith Showstopping Surprise Shrewd Storyteller Steeple Roc Stomping Ground Subtle Strike Sundering Growth
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