+Igor, +Kieryluk (227)

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Abstruse Interference Abuna Acolyte Adaptive Automaton Agent of Treachery Agitator Ant Akroan Hoplite Alabaster Kirin Anticognition Arcane Lighthouse Archdemon of Greed Archon of Absolution Arctic Aven Arcum's Astrolabe Athreos, Shroud-Veiled Avatar of Woe Banishing Stroke Barrowgoyf Battle for Bretagard Belbe, Corrupted Observer Biomathematician Black Vise Blinding Fog Blinding Souleater Blink of an Eye Bloodthirsty Aerialist Bloodthorn Flail Boggart Brute Campaign of Vengeance Canopy Cover Center Soul Chain Lightning Child of Night Claws of Valakut Cloaked Cadet Cloistered Youth Clutch of Currents Cobbled Lancer Consecrate // Consume (Consecrate) Consecrate // Consume (Consume) Consuming Sinkhole Containment Priest Cosi's Trickster Creative Outburst Curio Vendor Curiosity Curse of Surveillance Cyclone Sire Dark Petition Deafening Silence Death Cultist Deathless Knight Demonic Appetite Demystify Desert Cerodon Dire Mimic Divert Djeru and Hazoret Drogskol Cavalry Dusk Legion Sergeant Eerie Soultender Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite Elspeth, Knight-Errant Embodiment of Agonies Emissary of the Sleepless Encircling Fissure Enclave Cryptologist Enclave Elite Etched Champion Etrata, the Silencer Eyeblight Massacre Falkenrath Aristocrat Fervent Denial Fiend of the Shadows Filigree Attendant Flayer Husk Forge Boss Fyndhorn Elves Gather the Pack Geist of Saint Traft Geosurge Ghoulflesh Glint God-Pharaoh's Statue Goremand Grasp of the Hieromancer Graven Abomination Green Slime Grim Tutor Griptide Griselbrand Guardian Idol Halo-Charged Skaab Harvestguard Alseids Haunter of Nightveil Helm of the Host Highspire Mantis Igneous Cur Impede Momentum Induce Despair Infinite Reflection
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