+Svetlin, +Velinov (346)

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Abrupt Decay Academy Drake Adanto, the First Fort Aetherwind Basker Ajani's Pridemate Anger Angler Drake Apex Devastator Apex of Power Arbiter of the Ideal Arcbound Prototype Archipelagore Armed and Armored Awaken the Bear Awoken Horror Axgard Braggart Balan, Wandering Knight Beamsplitter Mage Befuddle Bilious Skulldweller Bladeback Sliver Blisterstick Shaman Bloodrite Invoker Blue Dragon Bolt Bend Boon of Emrakul Brash Taunter Break Expectations Breeches, Brazen Plunderer Bristling Boar Broken Wings Brokkos, Apex of Forever Broodhunter Wurm Built to Last Built to Smash Cacophony Scamp Calamity of the Titans Carrion Feeder Cathar's Companion Chain of Vapor Challenger Troll Champion of the Parish Charforger Chiss-Goria, Forge Tyrant Cinder Elemental Clackbridge Troll Clamorous Ironclad Clone Legion Coiling Stalker Collective Blessing Conspiracy Theorist Consuming Fervor Crater Elemental Crippling Chill Cruel Finality Crushing Canopy Crypt Incursion Crypt Lurker Cryptic Cruiser Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast Daring Demolition Dark Remedy Dead Reckoning Deathcap Marionette Decimator of the Provinces Deep Freeze Defenestrated Phantom Delay Desiccated Naga Devour in Flames Down // Dirty (Dirty) Disdainful Stroke Disfigure Distorted Curiosity Divine Resilience Domri's Nodorog Door to Nothingness Down // Dirty (Down) Dragonshift Dread Return Dreg Mangler Druid Class Dungeon Crawler Eerie Interlude Elemental Uprising Endurance Entomber Exarch Evolved Spinoderm Ezuri's Predation Faithbound Judge Faith's Shield Fascination Fated Intervention Fathom Fleet Firebrand Firecannon Blast Flameborn Viron Forced Landing Forest Fraying Omnipotence Frost Fair Lure Fish
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