"James Paick" (107)

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Aesthir Glider Æther Searcher (Aether Searcher) Aetherworks Marvel Ainok Artillerist Ajani's Mantra Ancient Crab Ancient Excavation Arboretum Elemental Armory Automaton Assault Suit Avacyn's Collar Barbed Spike Bonfire of the Damned Boxing Ring Brokers Hideout Bronze Walrus Broodhatch Nantuko Carnage Altar Crumble to Dust Death Denied Debtor's Pulpit Demolition Stomper Desert of the Indomitable Dimir Spybug Disaster Radius Eddytrail Hawk Eldrazi Temple Embermaw Hellion Engineered Explosives Eye of Ugin False Floor Filigree Crawler Firewing Phoenix Forest Genesis Wave Ghave, Guru of Spores Giant Opportunity Giant's Skewer Glacial Fortress Gone Missing Harrowing Journey Ipnu Rivulet Iron Mastiff Island Javelin of Lightning Kabira Crossroads Living Twister Magmatic Chasm Manticore of the Gauntlet Mask of Avacyn Mask of the Schemer Meandering River Memorial to Genius Memorial to Glory Meteor Golem Moonsilver Spear Moorland Haunt Mortuary Mire Mountain Naturalize Norn's Annex Ondu Inversion Ondu Skyruins Plains Portcullis Vine Power Depot Pyretic Ritual Pyromancer's Goggles Rally for the Throne Razortip Whip Razorverge Thicket Regenesis Rest for the Weary Salvager of Ruin Sanctum of Ugin Scout the Borders Scrabbling Claws Scytheclaw Searing Blaze Seismic Shift Select for Inspection Siren Song Lyre Skullwinder Smuggler's Buggy Spellgorger Weird Spellkeeper Weird Splitting Slime Sprouting Renewal Steel Hellkite Stomping Ground Swamp Tectonic Reformation Temple of Malady Terminus Thorned Moloch Torrent Elemental Treasure Keeper Unmarked Grave Vexing Scuttler Visionary Augmenter
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